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Kim Seungmin:

Later day 1

I spent basically the rest of the day cooped up in my bedroom. I texted basically everyone I knew the news, my heart sinking with every text.

But, I can't stop thinking about me and Jeongin's kiss. It was just so unexpected, out of the blue. It was...


A faint smile grew on my lips as I thought about it. The way he grabbed my shoulders, interlocked our eyes, and pulled me right into it. It was adrenaline rushing. It didn't matter that everyone else was watching. We just enjoyed the moment, because we know it'll be hard to enjoy the rest.

After a few hours, I heard my parents car park in the driveway. I suddenly felt very anxious, and I can understand why Jeongin didn't want to tell his parents.

But the difference between me and him, is that he has a brother. I'm an only child, so my parents are losing all they have.

I waited a few minutes to let them settle down after work, before I went downstairs to greet them.

I jumped off the stairs, skipping the last two steps that lead into the kitchen as I say, "Hey! How was work?"

They smiled at me, and I tried to make it look like I haven't been crying all day.

"It was busy, but fine," my dad answered like he always does when I asked that question. He set his jacket on the chair, and my mom began making dinner.

I signed, not being able to work up the nerve to tell them.

But, mom noticed my mood wasn't my usual happy and energetic self. She sat down at the kitchen table and frowned.

"Hey, you look exhausted. What happened?"

Hearing those words broke me down. I sat down next to her at the table, my smile dropped, and I started to sob and shake.

This grabbed my parents attention. My dad ran over to my mom and I, and they pulled me into a hug.

"Seungmin! What's wrong?" My dad asked, a worried tone in his voice.

"I-I'm fading..." I could hardly manage to say the word 'fading' without my voice cracking.

My parents looked at each other in disbelief as I wiped my eyes with my hands. My mom rubbed my shoulders until I was able to stop shaking and continue speaking.

"I found out this morning, my h-hand glitched and that's when I knew."

I could tell my parents were trying to hold back tears, and it pained me to see them like this. They're usually like me; nothing ever really brings them down. But losing their only child is horrible.

We all hugged for awhile, letting our tears out. I've never really had such an emotional moment with my family before, but now we could feel each other's love for one another as we spent this moment together.

And when we pulled apart, I decided to loosen the mood a bit.

"That reminds me, we also need a new pitcher."

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