~Thirty~ (end)

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Yang Jeongin:

Day 30 - last day. 12:30 pm

I didn't bother knocking on Seungmin's door once I arrived. I just walked in the house, and he was sitting on the couch, wrapped up in a ball with a blanket. All our other friends were here, and it made me feel sentimental that I'll be able to live my last hours with my best friends.

I was instantly greeted by tight hugs from everyone, them squeezing my as tight as possible. Not that I could feel it anyway, so they definitely took advantage of that.

After I was free, I went over to Seungmin and sat down next to him on the couch, "Hey, how are you feeling?"

We both look nearly identical, and not in a good way. We are completely see through, and he looks like he's beginning to disappear as we speak. It's probably the same for me too, I'm just too afraid to look.

Seungmin shrugged his shoulders. He looks tired, and emotionally drained. And I feel like him too, except I'm absolutely terrified.

"I'm hanging in there. You?"

I sighed, attempting at rubbing whats left of his shoulder, "Same here. I'm freaking out."

I rested my head on his shoulder, and started to relax. I could feel myself fading as each minute passes, and it makes me extremely anxious.

He grabbed my hand, and we interlocked our fingers. I smiled slightly, loving the feeling of his hand within mine.

If these are my last few hours, I'm gonna make the most of it with him.


1:00 pm.

"Do you guys remember in eighth grade when Chan was giving the class president speech at graduation, and he started bawling his eyes out?" Minho spoke, laughing upon the memory. The room broke out into giggles, and Chan hid his face in his hands from embarrassment.

We were all going through fun memories we've had together. Everyone is trying to stay positive as long as possible, until we really have to start worrying.

Seungmin had his arm around me, as we cuddled close together under the same blanket. I played with his fingers.

"Okay, I thought we all silently agreed to never speak of that again!" Chan shouted, crossing his arms. The laughing got louder, and it was nice to hear everyone's unique laughs.

Minho and Hyunjin's are loud, while mine and Seungmin's were more quiet. Felix and Jisung's are very contagious, and you just cant help but laugh along with them.

I got a sudden pang in my heart, and I sucked in a breath. For a moment, I thought this is it, but nothing happened. Seungmin noticed, and kissed me on my cheek to calm me down.

It's been happening all day. When you know today is the day you're going to die, it makes you extra paranoid that everything little thing will the moment.

I brushed it off, and continued to communicate with my friends.

"Don't complain, it's not as bad as when Jisung fell down during the school play last year, and literally couldn't get up," I then joined in, and he threw a pillow at me. I got fluff in my eye, and teared up a bit trying to get it out.

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