Chapter 9

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After a few hours of me hanging out at the hype house it started getting late so i told everyone that i had fun and nice meeting them then and as i was about to go someone stopped me and i turned around to see nick

"Where are u going sis"nick said

thats when it hit me he called me "sis" so i gave him that look

" it a bad thing to call my sister sis"he said

"no its just that I havent heard u call me that in years"i said starting to get emotional

"aww come here"he said opening his arms and giving me a big hug

"ur welcome round the hype house anytime and i think u should stay over tonight so we can just talk abit more"nick said

i looked at everyone and they all gave me that u can stay over look

"yay"as they all came and hugged me

i didnt have any clothes cause i didnt plan on staying over so i decided to ask kouvr if i could borrow some clothes

"only if u let me pick out the clothes for u"kouvr said

"fine but some comfortable clothes that i can sleep in"i said

a few mins later she picked out some shorts and the hype house merch cropped top i thanked her and went into tonys room to get changed after i got changed i head downstairs to find nick,tony and ondreaz sitting on the couch and nick and tony were arguing about something

"whats up"i ask

"theyre fighting over whos room u get to sleep in tonight"ondreaz says laughing

"pick whos room"tony says

"im sorry but im gonna stay in nicks room cause i only stayed over cause he asked me to and plus i need to catch up on stuff with him"i said

"fine"tony said kind of hurt but also understood

i then went and sat inbetween tony and nick on the couch cause i felt the awkward connection between them and i broke the silence of by saying lets watch a movie they all agreed then we did rock paper scissors to see who gets to pick the movie we were gonna watch and ondreaz won so he got to pick out the movie he then put the movie on. A few seconds later i paused the movie

"whats that for"they groan

"yall are trippin who watches movies without snacks"

we all run to the kitchen like a bunch of 5 year ols and shout snacks we got some popcorn gummies and other snacks and headed back to the couch and Unpaused the movie

Nicks POV

we were watching the movie but then i realised madison had fallen asleep with her head on my shoulder and everyone else was asleep so i put my head on top of her head wich was on my shoulder and fell asleep but then i was woke up a few mins later by Tony saying that we should probably head upstairs i nodded and picked madison up carefully taking her upstairs trying not to wake her up

Madisons POV

i felt two hands pick me up carrying me somewhere so it woke me up and i look up to see nick walking me to his room

"im sorry did i wake u up"his raspy tired voice said

"no its ok i was gonna wake up anyways"i said

as soon as we got to his room he layed me on his bed and all of a sudden my tiredness had left my body and i couldnt sleep so i layed there staring into space thats when nick turned around from the other side of the bed facing me and said

"cant sleep huh, me too"

"i guess im not tired anymore"i said

"u know that i never meant to leave u and if i knew ur life was like hell i would have came back right"he said

"yeah right"i said rollling my eyes getting kind of annoyed

"u never even told me mom died how do u think I feel about that"he said

"how am i meant to tell u if i havent seen u sinse u left"i said crying

he just layed there and hugged me and after a few seconds we both said

"im sorry"at the same time

"JINX"nick yelled before i could

"bitch are u fr fuck of"i said

"im not gonna leave u alone till i get my five dollars"he said and i just rolled my eyes

I knew nick was just gonna annoy me until I gave him his 5 dollars so I decided to PayPal it to him

"what are u doing tomorrow"nick asked

"visiting moms grave"i said

"can i come i never got to say my goodbyes and its all my fault shes gone"nick said tearing up

"stop bro it isnt ur fault and its in the past and now the only thing we can do it focus on the future" i said wiping my tears

"u called me "bro" "he said looking up at me and crying even more

"i thought u would never forgive me"he said

"what u did was wrong but at the end of the day were sibilings and we should love each other not hate"nick said

"aww u remebered what mum used to say to us"i said

"ive always remembered and never will forget it"he said

we then talked to each other about what had gone on in our life and we were both shocked at how messed up our life was until we got to this point and we hadnt even realised but it was already 5AM

"woah we have stayed up nearly all night"i said and he nodds similings at me

"it feels so nice to have my sister back"he said

"it feels so nice to have mr brother back"i said

we both ended up hugging each other really tight like we never wanted to leave each other ever again and i just felt really safe next to him hes the big brother i always wished i had and i do. Even if hes only a year older than me hes still by big brother and i will always love him. We then fell asleep in each others arms.

(i wish i had a relationship like this with my brother but again this is just a story and every girl wants to live their dream life right haha)

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