Chapter 51

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I woke up the next morning and tayler wasn't by my side so I got up and was about to go downstairs and then tayler walked in and stopped me and pushed me back into bed

"Stopppp let me go downstairs"I said

"Not in that"he said pointing at what I was waring and I looked down at myself

"Omg I forgot I was waring this let me go change"i said

"No don't change I like u in this"I said

"Maybe tonight we need to go and clean up"I said

"No we don't cause me nick and Darianka already did"he said

"How early did u guys wake up exactly"I said

"Wdym how early don't u mean how late did u wake up"he said

I then checked my phone and realised it was 2PM

"Holy shit I'm starting to become Tony sleeping in so late"I said

"No ur not Tony ur so much more better than Tony don't ever compare urself to him and besides we were up so late last night so u had a good sleep"tayler said

"Thanks for cleaning up and ill thank them later"I said

"Anything for my lil baby"he said

"Aww come here baby boy"I said

We then hugged and after I kissed him and he kissed back

"Can't we just stay like this forever"Tayler said as we were still hugging

"Why not"he said shruging

he then pulled me under the covers and started kissing me all over my neck

"i love it when u get so horny"i said

"well i love it when u are aswell"he said squeezing my thighs which turned me on

"well i am now"i said

he then pinned me down to the bed and started kissing me all over again we carried on and soon enough stuff got heated so he ripped the lingerie of to expose my bare body he then took of his top along with his pants

"bro stop flexing we get it u have abs"i said joking

"haha ur funny"he said

"ur so hot when ur sarcastic"i said

"not as hot as u tho"he said

"stopp"i said in a cute way pushing him down so now i was hovering on top of him

before i could continue the door flung open

"mads tony here to... umm sorry"nick said closing the door

"well that's one way to ruin my day"tayler said

"doesnt matter lets continue I don't want to talk to that Mf anyways "i said

"no babe u should go talk to him"he said

"ughhh fine but only doing this cause i love u"i said getting up

"love u too u can go talk to him and if u need anything ill be in the shower"tayler said wrapping his arms aroud my neck as i was looking through the closet for something to ware

"ughh another thing i have to do is look for something to ware"i said still looking for something to ware

"u look good in everything but u know what u will look even cuter in"tayler said

"what"i said putting my hands on top of his hands that were around my neck

"my clothes"he said

"i mean I don't look good in them but they are more comfortable so I'll ware ur clothes anyways"i said

"im going in the shower now"tayler said

"kiss"i said pouting

He then kissed me and went in the bathroom i then picked out his hoodie and sweats and put them on and went downstairs and tony was sitting on the couch so i sat next to him but keeping a distance still

"oh umm are u umm a thing like are u like are u umm dating tayler now"tony said barely able to get the words out of his mouth

"yes"i said

it was just really awkward cause it was silent so i was playing with my hair by platting it

"FUCK THIS"he said shouting

"CHILL WHY U SHOUTING AT ME WHEN UR THE ONE THAT FUCKED UP"i said shouting back at him clearly knowing he wasn't the only one that fucked up i did too

"can yall just stop shouting at each other and actually talk like normal human beings"nick said and sat down next to me on the couch and darianka just sat on his lap sinse the couch didnt fit all of us

"i dont get what there is to shout about when u both fucked up by sleeping with other people and it wouldn't be the first time this happened"darianka said

"so ur telling me just then when we walked in on them it wasn't the first time they have fucked each other" tony said

"umm didnt u know"darianka said

"i dont think u were meant to tell him and I don't think he knew about them"nick said to darianka

"oh im really sorry mads i didn't mean to"she said

"not now darianka"i said

"we will let u talk"nick said dragging darianka with him cause it was obvs that she didn't want to be in that room at that moment cause she felt bad

"what exactly happened between u and umm tayler"he said turning around when he said tayler cause it hurt him to even say his name

"Well remember that night when tayler came back from tour and i slept over at his house thats when it all started by him kissing me and I-"i said

"and u kissed him back"tony said finishing my sentence of for me

"yeah"i said

"mads what is wrong with u it's like ur this completely different person now"tony said

"and ur point is"i said rolling my eyes


"leave her alone and relax man stop shouting at her"tayler said walking into the room

"easy for some one that stole my girl to say"tony said

"she isnt ur girl she unclaimed u and shes mine now and she doesn't want u"tayler said

"unclaimed hahah"i said which made me feel better that tayler made me laugh and tayler sat next to me with his arm around my shoulder

"really ur gonna be laughing at a time like this"tony said

"is it ur mouth NO are u the one laughing NO so she can laugh if she wants ur not the boss of her"tayler said

"well u arent the boss of her either so let her speak for herself"tony said

"he kinda is tho"i said and put my head against taylers chest and he put his chin on my head

"UGHHH U PISS ME OF SO MUCH BYE"tony said storming of and slammed the door behind him as he left

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