Chapter 10

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I had woke up to my phone blowing up then i realised it was notifications from tiktok. I opened tiktok to see the video addison posted on my account yesterday had blown up and i had went from no followers to 500k i then looked at the comments and noticed comments like "i ship her and tony" i just laughed and turned my phone on silent sinse i didnt want the notifications waking up nick and also I was still tired cause we had stayed up late last night so i decided to go back to bed a few hours later me and nick were woke up by ondreaz jumping on top of us telling us to wake up i then pushed him of and grabbed my pillow and threw it at him but i then realised that was a bad idea cause now i felt uncomfortable without a pillow and I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep anymore. I got out of bed and decided to have a quick shower i then went to addisons room and asked if i could borrow some clothes sinse i asked kouvr yesterday she said yes. She picked out some pants a top that had a butterfly on it and a jean jacket and white cutomised af1 with butterflys on it i thanked her and got changed into it then headed downstairs to have breakfast when i felt two hand wrap around my neck from behind

"wheres my beautiful best friend going"tony asked

"going to visit my moms grave with nick"i said as his smile went of his face and i could tell he felt sorry for me

i grabbed a breakfast bar out of the cupboard and went upstairs to see if nick was ready. I told him ill be waiting for him in the car a few mins later nick came out from the house and sat at the front of the car then nick told me to stop at a shop. When we got to the shop we got flowers and we got this stone that u put near the grave and it said i love u so much mom on it (idk what its called but anyways u know what im on about)we then went and visited the grave
(skip that part cause i dont want to write about it or it makes me sad) we then deicded to head home after. As soon as i walked in tony came to me and said

"so hows my famous bestfriend"and i gave him that im confused look

he then showeed me that i got verified on tiktok and my video already has over 1m views

"wow ive only posted one video and im already verified thats crazy"I said

"No I posted that video and I should thank me for posting it "addison said laughing

"Come on lets go to the famous bathroom and make tiktoks"tony said

"what famous bathroom"i said

"havent u seen the tiktok bathroom"he said and i shaked my head

he grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me to the bathroom

"wow its massive i wonder how many people have been in here"

"loads of celebritys have been in here"he said as i was surprised

he took his phone out of his pocket and made me learn the renegade it was pretty easy so i learned it after watching a video one time we then filmed it and after we filmed it charli came in and said

"im the best at the renegade im the renegade queen so dont even think about stealing my spotlight"charli said

"woah calm down and im sure ur better at this dance than i am"i said

"ik am"charli said as she stormed out

"shes sassy much"i said and we started dieing of laughter then ondreaz walked in

"whats so funny"he said

i was trying to get my breath back to speak but then everytime i was gonna say something id look at tony and we would end u laughng our heads of again

"u guys are wierd"ondreaz said as he left

after about a good half an hour of us laughing we finally got our breath back and tony tagged me in the video with the caption MY ONE AND ONLY BESTFRIEND after a few mins of got posting that video i looked on my tiktok to see i had already 5m followers i guess they were tony fans and they followed me cause tony tagged me in the video but anyways i was thankfull for all my followers

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