Chapter 15

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I woke up to myself snuggling next to tony as the alrm went of it was 5AM in the morning and our flight left at 7AM i then got tony to wake up but he was moaning like a child and told me not to wake him up then ondreaz came into our room and saw me trying to wake tony up then he said leave it to me and a second later tony was awake. I decided to hop into the shower first and then let tony go in after when i came out of the shower i got changed into some grey sweatpants and tonys hoodie i wore last night and headed downstairs to get breakfast

"isn't that tonys huddy"ondreaz said giving me a bowl to put my cereal in

"yep its really comfy so its mine now"i said

i sat down at the kitchen table and had my breakfast and one by one everyone started to come downstairs until i realised everyone was sat around the table we all finished our brekfast put our suitcases in the car and we were ready to go we got in the uber and went to the airport when we arrived there we went through security check and after we had a few minutes before boarding the plane and then i spotted a starbucks and we obvs had to get starbucks we all got starbucks exept for charli she got dunkins we finished our drinks and it was time to board the plane i was on the same row as tony and ondreaz so i was sitting in the middle we them and we just talked about random stuff until i realised tony has fallen asleep on my shoulder and ondreaz was also sleeping tony looked so cute when he was sleeping so i couldnt help but give him a kiss on his cheek then ondrez woke up and saw me kiss him

"u really like him dont u"ondreaz said

"what no i dont"i said

"then why did u kiss him"he said

"not like u havent kissed one of ur bestfriends on their cheek before smh"i said ondreaz just laughed and falled asleep again

i decided to get some rest to so i fell asleep than i was woke up by tony telling me we were about to land

"how was ur sleep"tony asked

"good how about urs"i said

"good"he replied

thats when i noticed ondreaz smirking at me then said "tony" I then knew he was gonna tell him that i kissed him so i give him that death stare then i get my phone out of my pocket and text ondreaz saying

"u tell him about what happened and ill tell the whole world all ur storys"

he immediately looked up from his phone and that smirking face turned into im gonna kill u face the plane landed and we grabbed all of our shit and got out of the plane.

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