Chapter 53

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After we finished our food we didn't really know what to do so we just played some music and sat down on the couch. We were all bored and had nothing to do I even got bored of my phone cause there was nothing to do on it but then my phone lit up it was bryce I was worried why bryce texted me cause he barely ever does


Bryce:yo wassup

Me:is everything ok

Bryce:so i don't get no hi or anything and ur straight away asking me if everything is ok

Me:well u barely ever text me so I'm assuming somethings wrong

Bryce:yes I do text u

Me:u only text me when u need something

Bryce:not true

Me:well nice talking to u have a nice day

Bryce:okay wait I do need something from u

Me:I knew it so what do u want

Bryce:well I'd rather tell u through person and me and the boys are bored so bring tayler and ur brother and his gf over

Me:okay we're coming

Bryce: cool cya soon


"Get up Mfs we are going to sway"I said

"What for"nick said

"Don't even ask id go anywhere rn cause I'm so bored"tayler said

"Litterally"me and darianka said at the same time

"I swear yall are twins"nick said

"Cause where girlfriends bruh"darianka said

"What she said"I said

"Speaking of being twins let's dress up as twins"I said

"Was about to say the same thing"darianka

"Girls"nick said shaking his head

"Boys"I said giving nick a death stare

"Why do u look like u wanna kill me for"nick said

"Shut up"I said grabbing darianka hand and dragging her to my room

"What shall we start of with"darianka said

"Hair obvs" I said

When then brush our hair out and decided leave it down

I then only put some blush and lipgloss on and darianka put some concealer blush and lipstick

"So what are we wearing"I said

"This"she said

It was jean shorts and a white puffy sleeved top

We then changed into it

"I have something that will go with this outfit"she said and ran over to the room her and nick where staying in

"Here"she said coming back

"It's a friendship necklace"she said

"Aww ur the most kindest person ever ur gonna make me cry"I said hugging her

It was one of those necklaces with half a heart and when u put it together with the other half of the heart that the of person was wearing they would stick together

"Ur the best person ever I love u"I said wiping a tear was was about to come out of my eye

"Love u too mads"she said and we both laughed of happiness

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