Chapter 58

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We were gonna have a girls only sleepover and it was gonna be in nessas room so we went on the girls groupchat to tell all the girls and i added darianka to the group sinse she wasn't in it


Mads added darianka (btw it woud be numbers for everyone else cause they dont have dariankas contact saved on their phones)

avani:whos this u added to the group

mads:its darianka

avani:oh hi darianka



dixie:shut u charli we get it ur this renegade queen or whatever u dont have to bring it into every convo


addison:can u guys stop blowing up addisons phone its annoying me btw its bryce im saying this of addisons phone

dixie:wow addison and bryce are already talking again i thought dixison was FOREVER

addison:dixison still is forever and btw its addi now and ignore whatever bryce said

nessa:where is evryone......say here if ur here









nessa:so now that everyone is here me mads and dari have been talking and we think that we should all have a girls night and get to talk to each other more sinse we haven't been that close recently and also yall could get to know darianka cause she's a cool girl so who's down

avani:is that even a question OFC IM COMING


mia:what kouvr said

charli:what mia said

addison:sorry to brake the chain but i kind of wanted to spend the night with bryce but i cant afford to miss girls night so bryce is gonna have to spend it with me tomorrow

dixie:kind of similar to what addison said but i did promise griffin that i would stay with him tonight and he did come over for me so idk

mads:so u coming or not

dixie:idkkk i want to but at the same time i don't want to bc of griffin

mads:one sec ill be back

i then decided to text griffin to let dixie stay over cause i really wanted all the girls to come


me:griff how would u feel if dixie broke ur promise

griffin:what promise

me:answer my god damn question first

griffin:well i wouldn't mind cause i love her so much

me:well then dixie is coming over to sway for a girls night sorry but shes not staying with u

griffin:i change my mind if she broke my promise i would get mad at her

me:u can't change ur mind u can't go back from saying u love someone and u said u woudnt mind cause u love her so....



mads took a screenshot of chats

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