Chapter 62

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Madisons POV

I was just on my phone scrolling through ig when the sunlight was blocked by someone and I looked up only to see Tony sitting opposite me

"Umm can I help u"I said in a bitchy voice obvs not wanting to talk to him

"Actually yes"he said

"I can see that.... you need a lot of help cause ur mentally not okay besides go find one of ur other hoes to help u like Addison or Jessica"I said and got up about to leave but then he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to sit down

"Sit down"he said

"Don't u ever dare touch me again keep ur dirty hands of me"I said

"Okay im sorry but like can u just fucking listen to me for once u act like ur all innocent when ur not and u then end up sending me nudes thinking u can get me back but im here to tell u right now I don't and u have did to much shit for me to ever want u back"he said

"First of I didn't want u back and it was an accident didn't mean to sent it to u and secondly I'm not gonna listen to u because I can't stand ur shit anymore"I said

"Well I can't stand u either everytime I see u I just feel like slapping u right across the face that's how u make me Feel"he said

"I dare u"I said

Tony POV

I honestly wanted to slap her so bad but I couldn't cause that's just so wrong

"Oh wow u have gone all quiet now I thought u said u would slap me I DARE U" she said coming closer so now she was right infront of my face
(When i wrote "I dare u" it reminded me of that YouTube video bryce made of confronting sebastian and he said to him I dare u to hit me)

"Exactly that's what I thought u can't cause ur a pussy"she said

And honestly that was enough she can't just say shit like that expecting me not to do anything so I slapped her right across the face but not too hard

"Hell no u didn't u Mf"she said and slapped me back

And kept slapping me Multiple time but that one little slap was to much for me I instantly regretted it and felt bad I even touched her so I couldn't touch her again

And then like a min later this boy came running out of his car and grabbed Madison and pulled her away from me

"Oh wow is that one of ur other boyfriends always knew u were a slut tayler would be surprised to know what u have been up to"I said and the boy kept dragging her into his car as she was fighting to get out of his hands

Madisons POV

as Blake dragged me into his car I was fighting to get out of his hands but that obvs wasn't going to happen cause he was one strong boy

"BLAKE WTF ARE U DOING I DIDN'T NEED UR HELP"I said trying to open the car door but he had locked it

"Look I'm sorry but I care about u and the last thing I want is for u to get hurt"he said


"Woah calm down I know u don't want me but this isn't about wanting me this is about being a good friend and saving u so that something bad doesn't end up happening "he said

"Whatever"I said and leaned back on the chair

"Where were u going"he said

"Nowhere I was just having some alone time by going on a walk and then stopped at Starbucks and that Mf ruined my day by bumping into me"I said

"What even happened between u two who even is he well I know he's a tikoker and stuff but never seen him on my fyp or follow him"he said

"U don't wanna know the full story but if u really wanted to know then the simplest way I could tell u is that he is my ex"I said

"Oh wow ex not surprised u put hands on him cause EXs are toxic"he said

"True"I said

"So where do you want me to drop u of" he said

"Just take me to taylers house" I said

He then drove me to Taylers house

"Do u wanna come inside i mean taylers not home yet but my brother nick is"i said

"idk im probs gonne go back to sway cause i just went out to get a few things"he said

"If ur going to sway is it okay if u come with u cause i totaly just left the girls yesterday and i feel bad"i said

"why do u feel bad it wasn't ur fault u fainted or whatever"he said

"true but i still do"i said

"what was the reason anyways u never told me"he said

"ur dreaming"i said

"about what im confused as hell"he said

"i havent even told my brother yet and my bestfriend and ur expecting me to tell u"i said

"i mean yes i count as ur bestfriend aswell"he said

"well unfortunetly ur not u gotta earn that name"i said

"how do i earn it"he said

"well u can start of by driving faster"i said

Guys I'm so sorry I haven't been posting for a while I just ended up loosing motivation in writing but now I'm coming back and slowly getting my motivation back so I should start posting new chapters everyday and I'm sorry again for not updating for a while also thank you so much for 6k reads I didn't even think it would get 100 let alone 6k thank u guys I love you so much

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