Chapter 22

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"I love u to bro and even if we fight il still love u cause at the end of the day ur my brother-"

"and ur my sister"nick said as he cutted me of then we hugged each other

"aww sibiling love"ondreaz shouted

then charli and dixie started hugging each other and tony and ondreaz started hugging each other

"wait am i missing something"i said

"well its the hype house traddition that when someone shouts out sibiling love u have to hug ur sibiling"ondreaz said

"aww thats so cute and in that case ondreaz ur like and older brother to me to so ill hug u " i said as i hugged ondreaz

"include me in this hug too"tony said hugging us

"and me"dixie said

"and me"everyone said  all coming up to us and we were all in one big hug

"so i think now is the right time to say so everyone has been discussing something but then that whole situation came up but now i think i should ask u if u wanted to be part of the hype house" thomas said


"well in that case lets all give a round of applause to our newest hype house memeber MADISON BEER"thomas said

"WOOH"everyone screamed clapping

"i think its time to party"ryland said as he chugged a whole can of white claws

"PARTYYY"everyone said as they took a shot exept for charli cause she was underage

ondreaz then turned the music on and began to dj cause he wanted to sing for us

we then invited the sway house and other people over then tony realised the time

"what about our date"tony says

"Fuck it we can go on our date tomorrow"i said taking another shot and tony joined me

then some music came on the definitly turned me and tony on he then held my waist and started dancing on me at this point we were definetly drunk so we didnt know what we were doing we then continued with our party and we were at it all night and we were drinking then i suddenly passed out

i woke up in the morning to me lying in nicks bed and i felt really dizzy

"what happened and where is tony"i said trying to get up but fell staright on to the bed again

"u were drunk last night and passed out on the floor so i decided to carry u to my room and i think tonys with ondreaz cause he passed out too"nick said

i then went into the bathroom and threw up and i felt so much better after i threw up i then headed into ondreaz room to see were tony is

"hi"i said

"hi"ondreaz said

"wheres tony gone"i asked

"hes gone back to his room"ondreaz said

"okay thanks"i said leaving his room

i head into tony room and saw him naked

"oh im sorry"i said turning around

"its okay u can come in babe"he said as he pulled me inside his room and closed the door

"omg u called me babe"i said

"is there something wrong with that"he said pulling me closer to him and kissed me

"nope"i said as we pulled out of the kiss

i sat on his bed waiting for him to get ready but i coud help but stare at him then he turned around and saw me looking at him


"u like what u see"tony said teasing me

"yes i love what i see"i said lauging

He then walked over to me and started kissing me he then trailed kissed down my neck without braking the kiss back up to my lips as soon as we broke the kiss he took my top of then my bra and started kissing me all over my chest leaving hickeys everywhere he then took my pants of then my underwear and started eating my pussy out and i couldnt help but moan a little i then went down to his dick and started sucking it

"mmm"he said as i started going faster

"slow down babe or everyone gonna hear us"he said but that just made me go even more faster

he then grabbed a condom out of his draw and opened the package and slid it on he then started thrusting in and out of me but he reached my g spot wich made me moan

"shush"tony said putting his hand over my mouth

we were going at it for a few more mins then tony says

"i think im gonna cum"

so i take the condom of and put his dick in my mouth and soon i felt the warm liquid in my mouth he then started eating my pussy out again for a few second and i cummed aswell so he just licked it up

"that felt so good"i said givng him a kiss

"can we have a round 2"he said

"haha u wish"i said as he just hugged me and i hugged him back

he then got dressed and let me borrow his hoodie and his shorts that were kinda getting small on him but it fitted me but was a little bit big on me sinse i had no clothes to get changed into

"lets go downstairs to get breakfast"i said to tony

"okay"he said

as we were walking downstairs we felt all eyes on us

"so how did it go"ondreaz said

"how did what go"i said but i knew exacty what he was talking about

"quit playing yall are to loud that we heard u from downstairs"nick said as i went red

"not like yall havent had sex before so shut up"tony said as we headed to the kitchen were ondreaz was

"yall are still hungry even tho u ate each other out"ondreaz said smirking

i then smacked him

"oww what was that for"he said

"next time it would be better if u shut up"i said to him

"bruh ok im sorry but no need to use ur hands"he said finishing his breakfast quickly so he could get out of the kitchen so i woudnt smack him again

i grabbed a bowl and had some cereal and so did tony we sat down and started eating our cereal

"so about the date"he said

"u dont have to take me on a date"i said

"but i want to" he said staring at me

"aww yall are to cute"avani said coming into the kitchen

"so how are things with u and anthony"i said

"were good anthonys my bae"she said laughing

i then finished my breakfast and got up and put my bowl in the sink

"im going home to pack my stuff to move into the hype house wanna come and help me"i said to tony

"me and alex are coming to help"kouvr said cause she over heard me saying it to tony

"of course ill help u"tony said

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