Chapter 43

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"well if u did then u would respect my desicion and privacy"i said

"as much as i dont like hiding this from tony i will but im only doing this bc ur my sister and i love u but ur gonna have to tell tony soon"he said

"obvs im going to tell him but just not now"i said

"so why were u mad earlier"nick asked

"really nick didnt u just hear what i said doesnt that expain"i said

"no im too slow i need u to explain that bit again more clearer "he said

"well ive been stressted bc of tony it just feels awkward around him and when ever he hugs me or kisses me i feel uncomfortable even last night he slept with his hands around me wich made me feel really uncomfortable and I couldn't sleep"i said

"oh i understand now why don't u stay in my room tonight and just tell tony u want to spend time with me and if u become really distant to him he might slowly stop falling for u and might end up braking up with u and then BOOM u can have tayler"nick said

"the only time I'll actually listen to what u say"i said

"as u should"nick said

"wait why are u even helping me get with tayler dont u want me to be with tony"i said

"yes i like u and tony but i just want u to be happy and if tayler makes u happy and u want tayler then u can have him cause u and tayler would be really cute ngl"nick said

as soon as nick said me and tayler would be really cute i decided to start talking about me tayler about how i really like him and what we have in common until nick stopped me

"okay okay we get it u like tayler to much then i expected"nick said

"if only u knew"i said

"why dont u ask him out or something and tell him u like him"nick said

"well yeah about that i might of already told him that and we might have already went on a date"i said

"u did what"nick said staring at me with his eyes wide open

"dont look at me like that bitch"i said

"im sorry but what yall even went on a date behind tonys back"nick said

"well he asked so how could i say no to smeone like him only an asshole would turn him down"i said

"well if someone asks i don't know anything about this cause im not telling tony what happened"nick said

"what u were going to tell him"i said

"no i wasn't besides thats not my point my point is good luck on telling him without him flipping out"nick said

"ofc hes gonna flip out but ill try and find a more calmer way to tell him and anyways hes cheated on me with jessica and even slept with her so he cant really get that mad at me"i said

"oh yeah i forgot about that"nick said

"easy for u to forgot its something id never forgot"i said

"sad"nick said

"its more than sad bruh"i said and we both started laughing

"im sorry it must be boring hearing all my problems that i just dumped on u"i said

"no dont be sorry i liked hearing it and being able to help u"he said

"thank u im really greatful for having u in my life"i said

"me too"nick said and pulled me closer to him and hugged me

"want u to always know i love u and will always be here for u"he said

"aww nicky i love u to and im always here for u not that would ever need me cause im the one that mostly dumps my problems on u but Yh"i said

"true"nick said and started laughing

"so lets just not make this day about me what about u tell me about ur love life i want to hear it"i said as i pulled out of the hug and nick just looked surprised that i asked that

"what love life im not dating anyone"nick said

"oh come on we all know u might have a crush on someone either if their from the hype house or outside of the house"i said

"i do"nick said

"spill the tea now"i said really excited to hear

"its sarah cameron"nick said

"Really i mean asin a real person"i said

"sarah cameron is a real person"nick said

"thats not what i meant i meant someone u have actually met in person if i could say who i like id obvs say harry styles but we all know that will never happen"i said

"i dont really like anyone"nick said

"come on we all know u like that girl thats name starts with a D"i said

"what no i do not like darinaka"he said

"what u like darinka"i said

"didn't u just hear what i said"nick said

"yes i heard what u said u said u dont like darinka even tho when i said a girl that starts with d as a joke and just a random letter"i said

"oh"nick said

"its okay buddy i knew u had a crush on her anyways"i said

"cap"nick said

"im not capping and ive seen the way u look at her"i said

"well I might like her but u have no permission to tell anyone about this"nick said

"except Olivia"i said

"no ur not telling Olivia"nick said

"come on Olivia is darinaka's bestfriend and she knows her better than any of us and trust me she can get u and darinka together and plus she wont tell anyone exept for kio but kio is ur homie and can keep a secret"i said

"its not about getting me and darinaka together i could have asked her out if i wanted to but i just dont think she likes me back"nick said

"lets be for real u just dont have the balls to ask her out cause ur scared ur gonna get rejected"i said

"anyways why do u care"i said

"why would i not i ship it so hard"i said

"well i ship it to"nick said and we both started lauging

(Yes I saw that video of darianka kissing nick and I'm happy for them if they are together so that's why I made a ship acc for them on TikTok it's called @nikianka I ship it and they would be lowkey cute together but I'm sad tonick is over tonick was a really good ship while it lasted but at the same time tonick was a joke aswell)

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