Chapter 19

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After we finished packing our stuff the uber was hear to take us to the airport so we head downstairs give the hotel room key back at the front desk and get in the uber and head to the airport nobody was talking to us cause they were mad at the whole situation exept kouvr i could feel that she wanted to come talk to me but alex wouldnt let her so the whole plane ride was silent we then get back and head into the hype house

"how was ur vacaction"larray asked and everyone just ignored him and headed up to their room

"What's wrong with all of them"larray asked

"i dont know"ondreaz said

"WHAT DO U MEAN U DONT KNOW"nick said walking back downstairs when he heard ondreaz say that

"U FUCKING SLEPT WITH MY SISTER"he said heading back upstairs

i grabbed his arm and said

"stop let me explain"

"theres nothing to explain" nick said

"please"i said


thats when it hit me my own brother called me a slut i fell down to the floor crying



"NO IM NOT"tony said as nick just scuffed and turned back around to walk back upstairs

tony then turned him around

"let me explain what-"thats when tony was cut of by nick punching him leaving tony with a black eye

"WTF U FUCKING PHYCO"i said getting up

i ran to the fridge and got an ice pack and gave it to tony as ondreaz picked him up and sat him on the couch

"why didnt u punch him back"i said with my blood shot eyes of me crying

"cause i dont want to hurt ur brother"tony said

"what brother hes no brother"i said as tony rested his head on my lap

"im gonna head out i need some fresh air"ondreaz said

"im coming to and so is mads"tony said getting up

we then headed out and tony told me to grab my suit case that i came back with from the bahamas cause ill need it. We got in the car and ondreaz started driving somewhere i didnt know where but i didnt care cause i didnt want to see my brother, we then arrived at a house and we get out of the car

"welcome to the lopez house"ondreaz said

we walked inside and I see some lady inside and she came up to tony and asked him what happened but obvs tony didnt want to tell his mam the whole story so he made up i lie and said that ondreaz accidently threw a ball at his face wich made ondreaz angry but he also understood our situation and wished nothing but the best for tony. Then the lady turned around staring at me

"oh sorry mom this is my friend madison"tony said

"nice meeting u"she said smiling at me

ondreaz then picked my stuff up and showed me to the guest bedroom and said ur staying in here so what happend at the bahamas doesnt happen again i just rolled my eyes as ondreaz left the room. I was just on my phone going threw twitter when i came across a tweet tony tweeted about 5 mins ago and it said

"theres always two sides to a story and if u dont know both sides u cant just judge someone"

i then retweeted his tweet and i was getting kind of bored so i decided to go to tonys room to see what he was up to. I walked in to his room to see him staring at his phone and smiling and what ever he was staring at must have turned him on cause he had a boner he then noticed me standing at the doorway so he closed his phone and pretended nothing happend

"so whos turned u on"i said as he looked down and soon realised he had a boner

"nothing"he said

i then grabbed his phone and opened it only to see he was staring at a picturing of me

"wow u really must like me"i said giving his phone

"u can stare at my picture for even longer cause im heading back to my room"i said and he then had a frown on his face as i walked out

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