Chapter 45

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"Lets go to the pet store now"kouvr said

"No we can't go now is too late how about tomorrow"I said

"Okay fine I'm only going to wait another day bc of u"she said

"Sorry"I said and walked out of their room

I didn't know what to do now I didn't want to go into my room cause Tony was there and I also miss tayler I haven't seen him in two days so I decided to FaceTime him I went outside and sat in my car sinse I didn't want anyone hearing out convo especially not Tony


Tayler:OMG hi I thought u would be like other girls and after we hookup u wouldn't call back

Me:what no I wouldn't do that besides I love u to much to leave u

Tayler:so how did Tony take it

Me:I haven't even told him yet

Tayler:woah girl ur good at keeping secret haven't u told anyone else

Me:well I might have told one person

Tayler:U probs told ur brother didn't u

Me:how do u know

Tayler:I might have stalked u on Snap maps 

Me:that's creepy why u stalking me for

Tayler:well I wanted to know if u and Tony have been hanging out

Me:oh about that nick came up with an idea of keeping a distance and ignoring him and he's gonna end up braking up with me and in that way it won't brake his heart

Tayler:sinse when did ur brother become so smart

Me:idk but that's exactly what I said to him

Tayler:so if u want him to brake up with u doesn't that mean ur choosing me over him

Me:unfortunately yes I'm stuck with u ass hole

Tayler:Omg I love u so much mads

Me:I love u to Tay

Tayler:so anything exciting happen today

Me:other than the fact my brother and darianka might be dating and I walked in on them no

Tayler:say what now

Me:well nick told me earlier that he liked her and then they actually ended up fucking that same day

Tayler:same like us we told each other we liked each other and that same night we fucked

I then started getting butterflies in my stomach as soon as he said that and I started blush

Tayler:Girl ur blushing so hard right now and it's so fucking cute

And I just started staring at him threw the screen and so did he

Tayler:u know what I can't stand this anymore why don't u come over U could sleep over but if u dont want to then u can stay for a bit I want to see ur beautiful face with my eyes now through a screen

Me:I'm on my way now leave the door opened

Tayler: well cya in like a few mins

me: okay cya

I texted nick telling him I was going over to taylers for a few hours but he probs wouldn't answer cause I bet him and Darianka are still fucking. I drove over to taylers house and opened the door cause I told him to leave it open for me he wasn't in the living room so I was guessing he was in his room I went to his room opened the door and found him on his phone lying on his bed so I ran on to the bed and jumped on top of him

"OMG u scared me"tayler said

"Isn't that the whole point of running and jumping on u"I said

"I've missed u so much even tho it's been like 2 days"tayler said with his hands on my face

"Me too this is the only place I want to be right now with u"I said

We then leaned in and kissed and I really enjoyed the kiss cause it was a long kiss that involved a bit of tongue and I never wanted to brake the kiss but at some point we did we both tried pulling apart to stop but then we didn't but kept kissing into we both started laughing really hard that we stopped

"I don't know what that just was but can we do it again"I said

"Bet"tayler said

We then kissed again before we pulled away I was really thirsty from that kiss so I just grabbed the water bottle Tayler had on the side of his bed that had some water in it and drank it  and tayler just smiled at me so I just hugged him and he hugged back and we stayed like that for a while until tayler said something

"So how are u"he said

"Well my morning started of stressed but now I feel better than ever"I said

"Good to hear that"he said

"So what about u how are u how have u been"I said

"Well I've been kind of stressed aswell cause I'm trying to design merch but idk what to make"he said

"What have u come up with so far"I said

"To put my name on it"he said

"Seriously nobody's gonna buy that why don't u make merch with the toilet emoji on it"i said

"Omg why didn't I think of this"he said

"Cause ur dumb"I said

(Anyways the 🚽 was a while ago but I will never forget it lmao)

"So what shall we do"tayler said

"Nothing I just want to cuddle with u"I said

"Me too"he said pulling me close to him before giving me a forehead kiss and I buried my head into his chest Tayler just smelled really good I could just smell him for hours

"Why u smelling me for"tayler said laughing

"Idk I just like ur smell I could smell u for hours"I said

"Well u can have my hoodie if u want to smell it if I'm not next to u"he said

"Hope u know when u give me ur hoodie ur not getting it back cause I'm keeping it"I said

"I'd rather u keep my hoodie anyways then give me it back"he said

"I don't think u should have said that cause now im about to steal ur full wardrobe"I said

"I don't mind u look cute in my clothes"tayler said

Tayler was a really chill person I don't think Tony would want me stealing his full closet but that fact that Tayler wanted me to was so cute

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