Chapter 13

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We both leaned in to kiss each other when we got interupped by bryce of course when something like this was gonna about to happen we were gonna get interrupted

"im sorry am i interrupting something"bryce said scratching the bad of his head

"no its okay bro"tony said pulling him in giving him a bro hug

"so i need to talk to u about something"bryce said

"i think im gonna go this sounds like a bro talk"i said

"no u can say i really need a girls opinion in this"bryce said

"so i have a crush on this girl but i dont think she likes me back"bryce said

"and is this girl addison by any chance"i said

"NO wait WHAT.....yes"bryce said

"wait how did u know"tony said

"come on addisons one of my bestfriends and ive seen the way she looks at u"i said

"wait what so she does like me"bryce said

"bro give it all u have trust me she like u too"tony said

"thanks guys"bryce said as he left the kitchen

"so before we got interupted"tony said leaning into me

"haha ur funny"i said pushing him away from me

we walk into the living room to see addison and bryce eating each others faces off we just laughed and head outside to the pool area tony ran and then did a backfilp into the pool but i didnt feel like getting wet so i sat on the sunbathing chairs i went on my phone and checked my messages and replied to them then after a while i was getting kinda tired so i decided to close my eyes and relax while sunbathing then i felt someone pick me up i looked up and see tony and he was about to throw me in the pool

"DONT U DARE THROW ME IN-"before i could even finish my sentence he throwed me into the pool

"u did not"i said angry

I got out of the pool and chase him around the pool until he was out of breath then when he stopped i pushed him into the pool then everyone starts laughing then a felt a hand grab my foot and pull me inside the pool

"REVENGE IS SWEET"tony said laughing

It was getting late so evryone decided to head home but the sway house stayed to help clean up

i went upstairs to go get changed out of my bikini when i walked past addisons room but i couldnt help but ears drop

"fuck me daddy"i hear addison say

then tony came upstairs and decided to ears drop to but before we knew it the whole house was ears dropping then we heard bryce say he was nearly there so we all decided to go before we got caught ears dropping Tony let me borrow one of his huddys sinse it was cold and i didnt bring any extra clothes and kouvr let me borrow some shorts after we headed downstairs and sat on the couch and started talking about what time our flight was gonna leave for the bahamas and whos coming and whos sharing rooms when we saw addison walk downstairs we all tried to keep a straight face

"so how was ur lil session"i say to addison

"umm what session"she says acting dumb

"come on dont act dumb we all heard u"i say making her go read

"next time be more quiter"ondreaz said and we all burst out laughing

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