Chapter 55

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We arrived at the hype house and then i got nervous to knock the door
"Hey babe it's okay I'll be with u the whole time"tayler said

"Promise"I said

"Promise"he said

I then knocked the door and it was opened by charli and she gave me dirty look then shouted

"Dixie griffin is here"charli yelled

Dixie then ran and pushed charli out of the way and jumped on griffin and her legs were wrapped around his waste and then they kissed and other stuff couples would do when they haven't see each other in ages

"Oh hi didn't see u there"Dixie said as she looked over griffins shoulder at us

"Come inside"she said as she got of griffin

We then walked inside and the room went quiet when everyone saw us

"Oh come on everyone make them feel welcomed"kouvr said as she came over to me and hugged me

"I've missed u"I said

"Me too"kouvr said

"Where's Addison"I said

"Upstairs in her room"kouvr said

As I was heading upstairs I could hear some people saying shit like "wow she isn't gonan appologise" or "she's a slut" or "she only came here for Addison she's fake"
Which made me upset so I just walked into Addisons room without saying anything and fell on to her bed and started to cry

"Woah woah woah calm down what's wrong"she said

I just gave her no answer she started asking more questions relating to "am I okay" but I still didn't answer her cause I was so upset

Addisons POV

I was scrolling through titkok when mads came into my room and just fell on to my bed and started crying and she seemed pretty upset so I tried asking her what's wrong but she wouldn't answer me

"One sec I'll be back"I said and walked out of my room

I then walked downstairs to go find tayler to talk to her but I couldn't find him but I found tony and I think she will listen to him so I dragged Tony upstairs

"Where u taking me"Tony said

"Just follow me and stop asking questions"I said

We then went into my room and I pushed Tony onto mads

"Talk to her"I said

"Are u mentally okay"Tony said

"Not my fault I couldn't find tayler so u ask her what's wrong"i said

"Oh wow so all of a sudden I'm a backup version so if u can't find one u go for the other one I'm not a second choice so don't play me like that"Tony said

Madisons POV

"Why u going of at Addison now all she did was try and be nice and get someone to talk to me see Tony this is why I don't like u cause u go of at people for no reason"I said

"Oh did I offend u I'm sorry little miss perfect but I don't have time for ur games and maybe if u didn't sleep with tayler none of this would be happening right now"he said

"Oh so now ur blaming EVRYTHING on me Well maybe if u didn't sleep with this Girl right here it wouldn't have been a big deal"I said

"Wouldn't have been a big deal" *scoughs* "ur funny"he said

"Yes it is a big deal I only slept with her once and god knows how many times u have slept with tayler"he said

"Oh and not to mention u also slept with Jessica that's worse sinse she's someone I hate so u slept with two girls but I've only slept with one guy and u know why I slept with him again after the first time it's bc I catched feelings for him so don't go thinking I only got with tayler to make u jelous cause me and u are over and there's no going back cause I've found someone that actually makes me happy"I said

"THE SHADEEE"i here someone from outside the door say

Addison opens the door to find everybody ears dropping on our convo

"Now that I think about it they both messed up so I don't think we should hate mads"Ryland said

"Oh wow u also hated me imma make my brother hate u now"I said

"Oh no pls don't nicks my bae"Ryland Said

"No he isn't shut up nicks my boyfriend"tayler said

"No all of u shut up nicks mine"i here darianka say

"Woah calm down all of u didn't realise how many people were going after my brother"I said

"Well I'm friend zoning all of them expect exept Ryland cause he's my real bae"nick said

Then darianka started punching the air and we all laughed

"Thanks bro ur fake"tayler said

"Sorry but I said what I had to u can punch the air with darianka"nick said

"Anyways when did u and Dari get here"I said

"Just now"nick said

"I love how someone's mood just changes in two seconds"addison said clearly talking about me and I just rolled my eyes

"Wait what happened"nick said

"Nothing" I said

"Something obvs has cause it looks like u have been crying"nick said

"Come on tell us unless u wanna tell me alone"nick said

"Well I don't want yall thinking everything's about me but-"I said

"Everything's always about u"Tony mutters under his breath and I just death started him and carried on

"So u know when how yall where talking behind my back as I was going upstairs to find Addison well I heard what u guys said and it hurt me so much that's why I was crying"I said

"Didn't hurt as much as u hurt me and u were crying for no reason"Tony mutters under his breath again

"What's ur problem man why can't u just be happy for her she doesn't need u to say stuff about her every 5 seconds ur taking this too far"Tayler said

"I'm sorry bro but I have to agree with tayler for this one"ondreaz said

"Me too"avani said

And everyone else expect charli agreed aswell and then everyone just stared at charli

"Ok fine stop looking at me that way it's scaring me as much as I don't like her I agree with what tayler said"charli said

"U know charli u might hate me but I don't hate U I think ur cool and this really beautiful girl that's just their own person and never fails to make someones day better"I said

"I don't hate u"charli says

"Then what is it"I said

"I don't know I'm Jelous okay u have more followers than me but now I realised U worked hard for all them followers and u deserve every bit of it"charli says

"Worked hard she litterally stands infront of a camera and gets millions of likes for nothing"Tony mutters under his breath

"U know what Tony I've had enough why don't u say all this stuff to my face rather than muttering it under ur breath"I said standing up in front of him

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