Chapter 69

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Today we were packing to move into my hype house we had woken up early so half of our stuff was already packed and nick had went with drianka to her apartment to help her pack aswell

we had finaly finished packing now and it was already 5pm we had to get a van to help us move the stuff cause their was too much stuff and we took the rest of the stuff in my car and taylers

"one things done but we need to unpack the stuff when we get there aswell ughhh"i said

"we dont need to unpack the stuff today"tayler said

"you don't i do i can't sleep in a room full of boxes it annoys me"i said

after we finished loading our cars we went back inside just to give it one more look to make sure we didnt forgot anything and the house was all clear

"Wow we are really doing this"Tayler said

"I guess so" I said

Tayler then locked the door and this man came and he gave him the key but im guesing that was the estate agent or something like that and then we drove to the hype house it wasn't too far away so we were there in like 10 mins we knocked on the door and it was opened by nick

"u guys dont need to knock on the door again just come in cause its ur home now"nick said

"oh well we knocked anyways"i said

"Which room are we staying in exactly"i asked thomas

"there 2 free rooms either the one next door nick or tonys old room but im guessing u wouldn't want toys old room and would rather be close to ur brother"thomas said

"yh we wll be nicks neigbour"i said laughing

we then started unpcking and surprisingly half of the house helped us which made the unpacking alot easier and faster so it only took us an hour and a half to unpack our stuff and honeslty our room looked so cool cause it had led lights in it which i liked

"why does ur room look better than mine"nick said and i just shrugged

"who would have known two days ago that we would end up moving into the hype house"darianka said

"never would have known"tayler said and i nodded

i was just sitting on my bed on my phone and Tayler was doing the same thing but i ended up getting bored of my phone so i put it down then i hugged tayler

"why u hugging me for"tayler said laughing

"idk just felt like it and I'm also bored"i said so he hugged me back

"lets go downstairs and see what the others are doing"tayler said

"okay"i said and we went downstairs

most of them were in the pool and the weather was really good so we went back upstairs to change into our bathing suits and came back downstairs again

"there u guys are u shoud make a tiktok on the hype house account to let the fans know you are part of the hype house"thomas said

so that's what we did we made a tiktok and posted it then after got in the pool and we were just chilling and i started getting sick of the pool so i left tayler with the guys and went inside where i found kouvr in the kitchen

"hi bubs"kouvr said

"Hii what u up too"i said

"just making a sandwich to eat do want me to make u one"she asked

"its good ill make myself one"i said

i then made myself a sandwich and ate it then decided to go see where darianka was but i saw nick first so decided to ask him where she is

"bro where's darianka"i said

"im pretty sure she's in our room if not then im not sure"nick said

"okay thx"i said and went to their room and i found her there so i just jumped on top of her cause she was lying on the bed on her phone

"u scared me i hate you"darianka said

"i love you too"i said and we started laughing

i then sat next to her and just started her a phone cause she was on tiktok

"shall we watch a movie or something"she said turning off her phone and i nodded

she then put on to all the boys I've loved before i was still in my bathsuit so i just put on one of nicks hoodie and layed down on the bed and we watched the movie

i woke up in the middle of the night and realised i had fell asleep while we were watching the movie darianka was in the middle of me and nick and her and nick were both sleeping so i got up quietly trying to wake them up and went to my room and tayler was sleeping aswell so i tried not to wake him up aswell i got changed into my pjs and climbed on to the bed slowly trying not to wake tayler up i then layed down and then tayler turned around so now he was facing me but his eyes were still shut and he wrapped his arms around me

"im sorry if i woke u up"i whispered

"i wasn't asleep anyways  just tried going to sleep just now"he said

"oh okay"i said

"also i didn't want to wake u up so i told nick and darianka to not wake u up"he said and i smiled at him and closed my eyes and the next thing i knew i was asleep

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