Chapter 20

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I head back to my room and lay on my bed and all these thoughts came rushing in my head if tony liked me why hasnt he asked me out yet then i decided to go and talk to dre. I knock on his room door

"come in"he says

"hi dre"i said

"hi"he says looking up from his phone

"so i need to talk to u about something"i said

"be my guest and tell me anything"he said

"ok so i have a friend and we have liked each other for a while now and im ready to move on with him but he hasnt asked me out yet"i said

"so that "FRIEND" of urs wants to ask u out but he doesnt know when the right time to ask u is"he said

"how do u know who my friend is" i said

"im not stupid like u think i am ik ur on about tony"he sad

"oh"i said

"trust me he will ask u before u know it"he said

"thanks dre and u feel like an older brother to me and u do know that i love u so very much"i said

"wow so u can tell me u love me but not ur "friend""he said with quotation marks when he said friend

"u do know when i say i love u i dont mean LOVE i just mean love"i said

"that makes no sense what so ever but i love u too"he said

i headed back to my room knowing that tony had been wanting to ask me out and now i could finally sleep in peace

i woke up and realised i had slept in and it was 2pm so i head downstairs but nobody was there so i opened the fridge and started staring at it to see what i coud have for breakfast when i felt someone hug me from behind and it felt like tony

"hey"i said still staring at the fridge

"hey"he said and he looked nervous

"why u nervous spit it out tell me the tea"i said

"well i wanted to ask if umm u would go on a date with me"he said

"yes id love to"i said hugging him

"what time"i said

"at 5pm ive got somethng special planned"he said

"cant wait"i said giving him one last hug

i decided to have toast with butter on it so i toasted the bread then spread the butter on it after and had my food and headed to my room to look for something to ware later on but i had realised i had no fancy clothes so i decided to give kouvr a call

"hi mads"kouvr said

"hi"i said

"im sorry about the other day i really wanted to talk to u but-"kouvr said

i then heard alex ask kouvr who she was talking to and she said an old friend from highschool sinse alex didnt want kouvr talking to me cause of the incident that happened at the bahamas

"im gonna talk to u later bye"kouvr said hanging up

i had to sort it out i had to tell kouvr the truth so i decided to text her


me:kouvr meet me at starbucks in 10


me:just meet me there ill explain everything once we're re there

kouvr:okay cya


i then got dressed and headed out to go to starbucks

i ordered my self a pink drink and kouvrs favourite drink a vanilla bean frape i then sat down and waited for her and then she came in and saw me and sat down next to me

"hey kouvr"i said

"hi"she said

"ok so first of im sorry about evrything that happened but i didnt sleep with ondreaz"i said

"i know that"kouvr said

"wait u do how"i said

"ondreaz was only trying to protect his little brother and honesty thats so brave of him"kouvr said

"thank god i thought u wouldnt believe me if i told u i didnt sleep with ondreaz"i said

"ill always belive u cause ur my bestfriend"kouvr said and i smied at her

"ur my bestfriend too"i said

"aww"she said

"anyways this isnt the only reason im here

"whats the probelm"kouvr said with a concerned face

"so i have a date tonight but i have nothing to ware

"aghhh my bestfriend has a date and might ur date be with tony by any chance"kouvr said

"yes"i squeal really excited

"my wardrobes urs this evening and ur welcome to choose whatever u want but of course im gonna help u choose"kouvr said getting up

"lets go to the hype house"she said

"but doesnt everyone hate me and i dont want to start anymore problems"i said

"its gonna be okay and if anyone says anything to u they are gonna get a black eye"kouvr said

"thank u i dont know what i would do without u"i said

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