Chapter 66

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Tony POV

I don't get it people are making videos or commenting or sending me DMs telling me to kms or I'm cancelled but what I don't understand is why but anyways I then got a message from bryce


Bryce:Bro that's fucking messed up and bc of this I don't think I can be friends with you

Me:why aren't u friends with me

Bryce: I'm not the only one not friends with u the whole house ain't friends with you

Me:can u just explain why aren't u friends with me

Bryce:first u abused her  secondly u slap her again which is also considered as abuse and thirdly now ur lying about it and pretending u don't know what I'm talking about

Me:which girl we talking about again who's "her"

Bryce:quit playing u know who obvs it's some random girl

Me: the name of the "random girl"

Bryce: i was being sarcastic it's not some random girl we're on about mads here and Ik ur gonna try to act dumb again so I'll spell her name out for u M A D I S O N B E E R

Me:pls can u repeat all the stuff u just said I did to her

Bryce: u abused her and slapped her

Me: repeat the first half of that sentance again

Bryce: u fucking abused her

Me:pls repeat that again

Bryce:can u fucking stop now u know what I'm talking about and ur just trying to be funny and acting dumb cause u know damn well what u did

Me: I'm not being funny I'm being fr like who told u I abused her

Bryce: bro I can't take ur shit anymore u keep lying and playing dumb so I'm blocking u

Me:do it
Message not sent

FUCK he blocked me now wth am I'm meant to do he hasn't even told me the full information but from what I know I apparently "abused" her

Ondreaz then came into my room

"Is it true cause if it is I can't look at u the same anymore"ondreaz said

"What is"I said

"U abusing mads"ondreaz said

"where the fuck are yall getting with information from first bryce now you"I said

"Josh new YT vid"ondreaz said

I then went on YouTube on my phone and searched joshs YouTube channel and played his new video and skipped through it just to see the bit where I "abused" her

"and u believed this shit"i said

"i mean idk did u cause thats why im asking"ondreaz said

"no i didnt"i said

"well why would she lie just pls say the truth it will save u more problems"ondreaz said

"oh wow so ur fucking believing her now and not ur own brother just get the fuck out of my room"i said

"i never-"ondreaz said


"fine im leaving but i dont get what ur fucking problem is and the fact that ur so pressed just proves that she ain't lying"he said

"r u death or some shit i said get the fuck out of my room"i said pushing him out and slamming the door in his face

i then just screamed to my self trying to let all my anger out but it was no help

Ondreaz POV

I just messed stuff up with my brother but nothing new we always fight but at the end of the day were brothers and forgive each other

i then decided to call mads to see if she's okay and to let her know i still love her

Madisons POV

Tayler had calmed down now but we took a little nap cause we needed it but like half an hour later my sleep was interrupted by my phone ringing not only did it wake me up but woke tayler up aswell so i looked at it just to see that it was ondreaz so i declinded his calll but he kept calling again

"here give me the phone and ill tell him to stop calling"tayler said


tayler:go away mads doesn't want to talk u she's declining ur call for a reason so quit calling and leave her alone and ur brother is fucking messed up in the head

me:i called mads not u so give her the phone and let her hear me out

tayler:hear what....for u to defend ur brother

"its fine babe just give me the phone let me hear what he has to say"i said to tayler

"okay here"he said giving me the phone

me:what do u want ondreaz make it quick

ondreaz: just wanted to say im so sorry for my brother's actions and i stil love u and if i could i would have stopped him from doing what he did to you

i then just chocked on my own breath cause of the fact that he believed me and not his brother i was honestly expecting a whole lecture from him defending his brother

ondreaz:umm are u okay

tayler:u good

me:yh im fine don't worry

ondreaz:anyways back to what i was saying im truly sorry like really sorry and i get that it's not my apology u need to accept but i still and will always love u

me:it's fine u don't need to appologise cause u did nothing wrong ur brother's the problem here but i still love you always

tayler:appreciate it bro sorry if i started this convo rude but i just wasnt ready for all the my brothers innocent stuff

ondreaz:all good man

tayler:so what's gonna happen now can i atleast talk to tony or something

ondreaz:idk if that's a good idea cause as much as i love u guys i still can't let u throw hands at my brother

tayler:i dont wanna throw hands at him all i wanna do is talk unless he throws hand first then thats a diffferent story

ondreaz:alright man u can come over but he doesn't even wanna talk to me so i don't know how ur gonna get him to talk to u but u can try

tayler:appreciate u so much bro ill be over soon

ondreaz:okay bye




"u coming with me or....."tayler asked

"ill come but u really don't have to do this just forget about it"i said

"ik i don't have to do this but i want to"he said

i then made an awww face and hugged him

"soo u good now cause i don't ever like seeing u sad sinse the first day i met u when u were sad"he said

"don't worry im fine"i said hugging him tighter and putting my head against his chest and he kissed my head

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