Chapter 11

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It had been a couple of days sinse i had got back from the hype house but me and tony talked everyday we either facetimed each other or texted so did me and nick i was also getting really bored at home sinse it was the summer holidays and i had nothing to do and then i got a notification that i was added to a groupchat


me:umm hi

tony:hey mads

me:what is this groupchat

###3563:hey girl

me:im sorry i dont know who u r cause i dont have ur number saved on my phone

avani:oh sorry its avani btw

me:hii bebe

kouvr:this is kouvr

me:hi bubs

addison:This is addison

me: hi *pouty face*

ondreaz:this is ur bestfriend ondreaz

dixie:no shes my bestfriend btw this is dixie

tony:no shes MY bestfriend NOT urs

me:yall are my bestfriends haha

tony:but im the BEST bestfriend right?

me:ye sure haha

charli:renegade queen here

dixie:bruh nobody cares charli

and then the rest of the hype house introduced themselves....

me:so what u guys planning on doing im bored as fuck

kouvr:ye same

avani:i need a holiday

me:ye same imagine chilling in the bahamas tho


thomas:wait no thats actually a good idea


thomas:we can all go to the bahamas

everyone:omg yess i love this idea

me:umm guys u do know i was kidding right not actually like were gonna go to the bahamas

ondreaz:well now we are

tony:mads come over in a bit and we will discuss our plans on going to the Bahamas

me:wait why am i coming im not part of the hype house

tony:well ur our bestfriend and it wouldnt feel right if u didnt come with us

me:ok ill be at the house in abit


i got out of bed really excited that we were actually going to the bahamas so I was in a good mood and sinse my room was also quite messy and I was in a good mood i decided to clean it up after i finished i headed into the shower when i got out i blowdried my hair and decided to curl it into beach waves then i used my james charles palette and did an eyeshadow look and then after i put a cute outfit on and headed downstiars i decided to make waffles and had some tea with it aswell after i was finished i decided to take some pictures cause i felt cute after a while i just started scrolling threw my phone then i decided to post the picture i took on insta
This is the picture she posted
(Ik she isn't waring that but I Cba finding another picture of Madison )

i got out of bed really excited that we were actually going to the bahamas so I was in a good mood and sinse my room was also quite messy and I was in a good mood i decided to clean it up after i finished i headed into the shower when i got out i ...

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felt cute:)

liked by lopez_tony,ondreazlopez and 245,688 others

lopez_tony:wow u hella cute

reply to lopez_tony comment:aww but do u know whos more cuter

reply to madisonbeers comment:who???

reply to lopez_tonys comment:u ofc silly

ondreazlopez:my bestfriend is cuter than me

repy to ondreaz lopez comment:thats not true ur way cuter

kouvr:imagine beng this pretty

reply to kouvrs comment:stopp ur litterally prettier than me

hater:eww ur so ugly

load more comments

after i got a call from tony so i answer it



tony:what u doing

me:nothing i was just scrolling through my insta

tony:same anyways what time r u coming over


tony:can u come over now cause im bored

me:okay meet u in 5



i then hungup the call

i grabbed my keys and got in my car and headed to the hype house i knocked on the door and tony opened it and hugged me

"ive missed u"he said

"same"i said

i then hugged everyone else then i sat on the couch

"so about this trip to the bahamas"dixie said braking the silence

"oh yeah ive booked the tickets and ur going in two days"thomas said

"yay"everyone screamed and we got up and started jumping and chanted were going to the bahamas

thats when larray walked in and looked confused

"hey girlies"he said making us all turn around and look at him

he then looked at me and said hi im larray i shaked his hand and said hi im madison cause i didnt know who he was

"so include me in this party whatever ur celebrating about"larray says

"where going to the bahamas"charli said

but then larray didnt seem excited

"r u ok larray"nick asked

"yes im just not coming with u cause i dont like the sun"larray said

"oh"nick said

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