Chapter 21

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We arrive at the hype house and open the door to a few members sitting on the couch

"Whats she doing here"alex said getting up of the couch

"calm down alex"kouvr said sitting him back down

"wheres nick"i said cause i really wanted to sort stuff out with my brother

"thanks to u hes locked him self inside of his room and hasnt eaten in days and wont come out"ryland said

omg im such a horrible person i caused all of this so i ran upstairs to nicks room and tried to open the door but its locked so i knock on the door

"go away"he shouts from the other side of the door

"nick its madison pls open the door i want to see u"i said

"GO AWAY"he said as his voice was cracking

i then slid down and sat my back up against the door and i felt nick do the same

"im not leaving until u open the door"i said but he just ignored me

after a few mins he realised i wasnt gonna leave so he decided to open the door as soon as he opened the door i hugged him

"get of me"he said

so i pulled away from him and looked into his blood shot eyes and i could see he was getting skinnier cause he hadnt eaten so i started to cry

"im sorry im an awful person"i said

"let me explain i didnt sleep with ondreaz"i said

"then why would he say u did"nick said

"cause he was protecting his brother i slept with tony not ondreaz"i said

"WHY U CAPPING FOR"nick said

"im not ill do anything what proof do u want"i said

"i want tony to say it with his own mouth"he said

"deal"i said as i left his room to call tony

tony:where did u go u left without telling me where ur going

me:im sorry

me:anyways just come to the hype house now

tony:why u even at the hype hype for

me:that doesnt matter just come and ill explain once u get here


I then hungup the call

a few mins later i heard a knock on the door so I went to open it and tony and ondreaz were at the door and i told them to folllow me to nicks room

"so nick wont belive me unless u say it out of ur own mouth"i said to tony

"what do u want me to say"he said

"i want u to say i swear on my moms life and say that u antonio levi lopez was the one that slept with my sister and not ondreaz"nick said

"i swear on my mams life that me antonio levi lopez was the one that slept with madison and ondreaz didnt"tony said

"now do u belive us"i said

"i still dont fully belive u but im not mad at u anymore"nick said

"good"i said

we then headed downstairs and everyones head turned to us

"what kouvr said is true guys"nick said

"oh thank god"alex said

"im sorry i didnt believe u"addison said

"its okay cause if someone else was in my situation honestly i dont i would believe them aswell"i said

"but like i ship u and tony so much"avani said

"well funfact tony taking me out on a date tonight"i said

"aghhh omg"everyone screamed


"wait what"i said

"come on dont be dumb on the first day we met u we've seen how u and tony look at each other and i knew u two would end up together"dixie said

"were not together yet"i said

"well about that"tony said

"will u be my girlfriend"tony asks with hope in his eyes that i would say yes

"OMG NO WAYYYY YESSSS IM BE UR GIRLFRIEND"i said as a started crying

then we started kissing but we forgot we were standing infront of a bunch of people

"umm hello theres a kid here get a room"charli said and then everyone laughed

"but no seriously my sisters right get a room tonight"dixie said

"i hate u"i said to dixie rollng my eyes and laughing at the same time

"congrats sis and i know that we might not be in a good place right now but i want u to know that ill always love u"nick said

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