Chapter 47

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I told nick to text Tony and tell him that I was staying with nick for the night and he did. Me tayler nick and darianka talked for a while and it felt like we knew each other for a long time even tho we didn't we just had really good chemistry and we thought on the same stuff so it was nice talking to them we then noticed that nick and darianka started getting all touchy so we decided to get of nicks bed and go on to the couch we had to sleep cause that was the only place we could sleep and the couch was also big enough to fit both of us so we didn't mind sleeping on it aslong as we were are together

It was hot in nicks room so I took of the hoodie tayler gave me

"Don't say it"i said cause I knew tayler was gonna say It again

He then put his hands in my shirt so now his hands were just rubbing on my bare back which felt nice also his chest was squished against mine wich made my boobs squish against his chest he knew exactly what he was doing I didn't care cause I was in the mood for it but we couldn't cause my brother and darianka were in the room with us so the most we could do was kiss and sinse it's that most we could do we literally didn't even pull away from the kiss so I think we both fell asleep kissing with our mouth in each other's

We were then both woke up the next morning by nick saying
"How do yall sleep without braking a kiss"he asked

I just look down I realised we still had our mouth together so I just leaned in more and so did tayler and we just closed our eyes again cause we were still tired

"Why can't we ever do this"nick said to darianka

"Ask urself that question"darianka said  

Which made both me and tayler laugh and that just ended up waking us up fully

We still never broke the kiss and I was planning on never braking it

"Yall can't stay like that forever"nick said

And I just nodded my head which meant yes we can

"Unless u want Tony to find out then u guys can stay like that"nick said

we then just kissed for a little longer before we broke it of

"Next time we are gonna brake the record and try for aslong as we have to"tayler said

"Yes I'm living for that"I said

"And just so u know yall aren't doing that in my bedroom again"nick said

"So how's tayler going to get home now"darianka said

"I'm going to drop him cause I want to get Starbucks aswell"I said

"Me and Nicky are coming aswell"darianka said

"Okay but get ready fast cause I don't have all day"I said

Also darianka didn't have any clothes so she had to borrow mine so I made her go to my room and get Tony out of the room and once Tony was gone I could go in the room and get something to change into

She then texted me saying Tony was out so then I head to my room I grabbed some lulu leggings with a white sports bra and darianka decided to choose the same so we could be twins we even did our hair the same we did french braids and we just did some natural makeup we then walked back into nicks room

"I'm scared I might end up kissing my sister thinking she's Dari"nick said

"As if I would ever let that happen maybe if u were my step bro it might"I said

And we all started laughing cause we got the joke

Tayler then climbed out of the window and will meet us outside of the drive away just in case someone follows us outside and sees him in the car

We went downstairs and then Tony saw me and came up to me he wrapped his hands around me and kissed my forehead

"Morning babe"he said

"Morning"I said and got out of his arms and went out before he could say anything else

"Dude u gotta tell him already"nick said

"he's wasting his time on u and he's gonna get heart broken either way so u might aswell tell him now and have tayler"darianka said

"And this is why I like u ur litterally so smart"nick said

"Nick u do know ur bad a flirting just so u know"I said

"No shit dude u are but ur cute anyways"darianka said

"The poor boy is waiting for us let's go we can't leave tayler like that waiting for us"I said

We got in the car and as soon as we got out on the driveway I stopped and let tayler in the car and he was sat at the front next to me and darianka and nick were at the back all touchy as usual

We arrived at Starbucks and ordered what we usually order a pink drink and surprisingly everyone ordered the same I knew it was mine and nicks favourite drink cause we have had it ever sinse and I knew it was taylers sinse we are bestfriends but I never really knew it was dariankas

"Omg we all got the same drink"darianka said

"We all like the same drink just shows real friendship"I said

"Yes it does"tayler said putting his hand around me and I looked at him and smiled

"Bruh the way they look at each other is so cute if my boyfriend doesn't look at me that way I don't want him"darianka said

And nick just looked offended but then they started staring at each other ngl it looked really cringy to us but somehow they both found it attractive and started to kiss

"Yh I don't think this is the place to be doing that"I said to them and me and tayler just got up and left cause everybody was looking at our table and it made us embarrassed

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