Chapter 23

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We got in my car and tony got in his and alex and kouvr got in alex car sinse it would be easier to move stuff with 3 cars instaed of going and coming back with one car we arrived at my apartment and i started of by my closet then other stuff we were finally finished and we grabbed the boxes and loaded them into the cars when we arrived at the hype house thomas said me and tony could move into a bigger room sinse me and tony were gonna stay in the same room i thanked him and started unpacking my stuff into the room tony then helped me but i had a lot of stuff so we we werent finished until evening

"go get ready and im gonna take u out"tony said

"ok im gonna go in the shower"i said

"wanna join"i said cause i knew he was gonna ask anyways

"yes"he said as he got up

i took my clothes of and got in the shower then tony came in and hugged me from behind he then started kissing me down my neck

"just cause i said u can join me doesnt mean we can have sex in the shower"i said then he just laughed

"oh ok im sorry"he said

then ondreaz came in

"oh shit im sorry i thought my brother was in here"he said turning around

he then turned around again cause i think he noticed tony was in the shower with me

"omfg so yall r just gonna hook up anywhere even in the shower"ondreaz said

"eww why u looking at me im naked u pervert"i said throwing water at ondreaz and he just laughed and left

we finished of with our shower and got out and got dressed then tony held my hand as we went downstairs

"were r u going"ondreaz said

"On a date"tony said as we walked out of the house

i got into tonys car and sat at the front after a few mins of tony driving i decided to ask him where we are going

"its a surprise"he said

"come on u know i dont like surprises so pls just tell me were we r going"i said

"well were already here"he said

we had arrived at a beach and he grabbed my hand and told me to close my eyes so i did he then told me to open them when i opened my eyes i saw a picnic blanket with food on it

"aww u did this for me"i said and he nodded

"i love u"i said and right at that moment i realised i said that i loved him for the first time and I started to panic cause what if he didnt say it back

Tonys POV

" aww u did this for me"she said and i nodded

" i love u" she said

my heart started pounding so fast she actually loves me she said that she loves me omg i couldnt help but start crying and she came over and hugged me she then put her head on my chest

"i love u too"i said wispering it in her ear and then she kissed me and i kissed her back

Madisons POV

he started crying and i went over to hug him then i put my head on his chest and he wispered in my ear i love u too so i couldnt help but kiss him and he kissed me back

we then sat down on the blanket and were staring at the sunset and the ocean

"do u want to go in the ocean"tony asked

"i would love to but i dont have a bikini" i said

he then pulled a bikini from behind his back and gave it to me

"omg your so orginised"i said giving him a little kiss on the lips

we then went into one of them little stalls on the beach and got changed after i was changed tony lifted me up and i wrapped my legs around his waist and my hands round his neck and his hands were around my waist as he ran up to the ocean and he threw me in

"aghh the waters freezing"i said

"who cares"he said

after a few mins of being in the ocean i started to get used to it and it felt good and the sunset started going down so i suggested that we took some pictures together we took a few pictures and they were really cute and then it started to get dark so we decided to head home

when we opened the door everyone came running to us and asked us how our date went

"it was really good"i said smiling at tony

we then headed upstairs and i got changed into some pj pants and tony hoodie i was waring earlier

i came and lied under that covers and so did tony then after tony asked me if he could post the pics we took today on his insta and i agreed

the picture tony posted

I love this girl so much ❤️🥺@madisonbeerLiked by @madisonbeer @ondreazlopez and 1,370,399 othersMadisonbeer:I love u too❤️Avani:the cutest couple ever🥺Ondreazlopez:DONT u ever brake her heart broReply to ondreazlopez comment:I never willTonylope...

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I love this girl so much ❤️🥺@madisonbeer
Liked by @madisonbeer @ondreazlopez and 1,370,399 others
Madisonbeer:I love u too❤️
Avani:the cutest couple ever🥺
Ondreazlopez:DONT u ever brake her heart bro
Reply to ondreazlopez comment:I never will
Tonylopezfp:I shipped u guys and finally ur together I love u so much Tony
User5277:We lost another one today girls😭😭
Hater:eww Why u dating her she's ugly
Reply to hater comment: ur just JELOUS that's SHES prettier than u
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I also decided to post a picture on my insta so I posted this

My husband🤪🥺❤️🥵 @lopez_tonyLiked by lopez_tony,avani and 1,367,79 othersLopez_tony:My wifeyyy🥺❤️🥵Kouvrannon:u guys need to stay together forever Avani:@anthony we need to remake this photo it's to cuteAnthony:@avani bet!Ondreaz:Dont ever brak...

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My husband🤪🥺❤️🥵 @lopez_tony
Liked by lopez_tony,avani and 1,367,79 others
Lopez_tony:My wifeyyy🥺❤️🥵
Kouvrannon:u guys need to stay together forever
Avani:@anthony we need to remake this photo it's to cute
Anthony:@avani bet!
Ondreaz:Dont ever brake my brother heart
Reply to ondreazlopez comment: I would never I love him to much to even think about it
Hater:Tony doesn't deserve u
Nick:@hater yes he does
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We soon got tired so we fell asleep

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