Part 11

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Two weeks later they walked to their training class again. They hadn't told anyone about the pregnancy as Bakugo didn't feel ready and Kirishima would never put pressure on him on such an important matter. But the others wondered why he couldn't participate in training anymore. Except Izuku and the teachers no one at UA knew about his state.

"Hey Bakugo", Kaminari spoke up as he exited the changing room and saw Bakugo inside the gym waiting for Tsu and Ochako "when are you joining the training again? It's hard to fight against two people".

"You should be happy to get the extra training dunce face", Bakugo rolled his eyes "when you are a hero you will have to fight against more than one villain occasionally too."

"Yeah he is right", Kirishima smiled as he stepped into the gym as well "you can be glad".

"You are just mad because Kiri is immune to your electricity", Sero teased him.

"It's so hard fighting against him", Kaminari sighed.

"Literally", Sero laughed and patted his back "but we should get started already".

Kaminari walked over to the spot where they would train head hung low in defeat although they hadn't even started. Sero followed him while Kirishima stayed behind to step in front of Bakugo.

"Are you okay, babe?", Kirishima asked as he cupped Bakugo's face "you look tired".

"I just haven't slept well", Bakugo mumbled "I missed your warmth".

"I am sorry I fell asleep in Kaminari's room", Kirishima apologized "we played this new game and fell asleep".

"No, you should be able to do that. I don't want you to not have fun with your friends", Bakugo smiled weakly "just maybe not on school nights but that's not the point".

"You're gonna be a good dad", Kirishima whispered as he grinned "and I promise I will sleep in your room today. You need to rest well".

"Yeah I really do. Morning sickness is killing me. I want it to be over already", Bakugo rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"I am afraid that might take a while longer", Kirishima frowned "but I will be there for you. I promise".

"Stop being so sappy", Bakugo grinned at him.

"Never", Kirishima grinned right back and kissed him before running off to join his group "I love you babe".

"I love you too idiot", Bakugo laughed as he went over to the girls.

"You guys are so cute", Ochako cooed as Bakugo came closer.

"I am not cute", Bakugo hissed "and you should get started with training".

"Be mean all you want it will not make you two any less cute, ribbit", Tsu said while pointing her finger on her chin.

"Whatever", Bakugo rolled his eyes but the corner of his mouth turned upward the slightest bit. Suddenly he felt a wave of nausea hit him and he struggled to stand.

"Bakugo are you okay? You are pale as a ghost", Ochako asked concerned.

"Yeah I am o-", Bakugo held a hand in front of his mouth to prevent himself from throwing up. He tried to breathe through his nose but it was to no avail. He ran to a thankfully close toilet and threw up. Afterwards he rinsed his mouth out and walked back to the girls who were watching him with concern on their faces. Thankfully Kirishima had not noticed as he was already caught up in training or he would tell him to sit down and do nothing. And that would suck as he had just limited actions already.

"Whatever happened with those villains is still affecting you right Bakugo?", Ochako asked.

"More than you might think", Bakugo mumbled but the girls heard him.

"So that's why you are not allowed in training actively for the next time, ribbit?", Tsu asked.

"Yes but we should start your training or you will lack behind as well", Bakugo tried to avoid more questions and the girls understood that it was hard for him to talk about him not being able to participate.

They started their training and Bakugo slipped in his criticism occassionally but really he was proud of how far both of them had come in this short time. It was around an hour later when Kirishima, Sero and Kaminari had somehow moved so much that they were training pretty close to them.

And then everything happened too quickly for anyone to really get it. One moment Kaminari was starting an attack directed at Kirishima and in that exact moment Sero had caught his arm in tape and the attack drifted slightly to the side. And the volts that Kaminari had send out headed right Bakugos way. Bakugo didn't notice but Kirishima did and jumped into the way before it could pass him and get to his pregnant boyfriend. Kirishima didn't have the chance to harden in time and got electrocuted thoroughly and fell to his knees. Bakugo was up in seconds and ran over to him and knelt down in front of him cupping his face in his hands.

"Eijirou are you okay?", he asked panicked "why didn't you harden?"

"I had no time", Kirishima smiled weakly "it would have hit you and I just jumped in the way".

"Are you okay?", Bakugo tried to catch his stare "I will get you to Recovery Girl. Kaminari you idiot stop electrocuting my boyfriend".

"We were training", Kaminarit tried to defend himself.

"You are not supposed to kill him tho", Sero spoke up and Kaminari frowned.

"Sorry man", Kaminari said as Kirishima stood up with Bakugo's help.

"I am okay", Kirishima smiled "I hardened enough not to die. Just not enough to be fine".

"I am gonna get you to
Recovery Girl anyway", Bakugo glared at him "she should check up on you".

"Yes please acompany him there", Aizawa spoke up and Bakugo nodded.

"We will come right after training is over, promise!", Sero said and Kirishima smiled at him.

"Sorry again, bro", Kaminari frowned.

"Nah, now I can confirm that this is a really good attack", Kirishima joked before Bakugo dragged him away with a huff.

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