Part 12

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"There is no real damage to your body, your muscles are just exhausted. But your body seemed to have reacted to the attack on it's own so you didn't take too much damage. That is really good. You should stay here and rest for some time though", Recovery Girl told Kirishima "Bakugo dear you can stay of course".

With that she left the bed that Kirishima was lying in and left the two boys alone. Bakugo climbed into the bed and rested his head on Kirishima's shoulder. The red head welcoming the closeness.

"Hey Eijirou", Bakugo spoke up in the heavy silence.

"Hm?", Kirishima looked at his boyfriend beside him.

"I am really pissed that you didn't think it through but", Bakugo took a deep breath to calm the anxiety he had felt when Kirishima dropped down to his knees "thank you".

"You know I would always protect you", Kirishima squeezed his hand.

"You should still think it through", Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"I know", Kirishima soothed him down "I promise I will do that the next time".

"I hope that next time I can just safe myself", Bakugo grimaced "I have been off the whole day. I didn't even see the attack coming".

"Well you said that you haven't slept well and the morning sickness doesn't make things easier too I guess", Kirishima mused "it's totally understandable that you are off".

Bakugo just nodded. As much as he hated to admit his weakness Kirishima was right. It's no wonder he was off with what was going on in his life right now. And as if on cue the door opened and Kaminari, Mina and Sero walked in.

"Kiri are you okay?", Mina was at his side in seconds "Sero told me that you safed Bakugo from Kami's attack".

"Yeah it just happened so fast", Kirishima told her "it wasn't Kami's fault though".

"You're okay though, right?", Kaminari asked and Kirishima nodded smiling at his friend who looked reliefed.

"I just need to rest a bit", Kirishima told them and they smiled right back.

"Bakugo are you okay?", Mina asked "Tsu told me you had to throw up earlier and you aren't looking well either now, no offense".

"You have been unusually calm earlier too", Kaminari added.

"Yeah usually you would be fuming now", Sero thought out loud "You seem knocked down, man. What's up?"

"Knocked up", Bakugo mumbled.

"Huh?", all three seemed to ask in unison as he had talked so quietly. Kirishima smiled as Bakugo seemed to finally want to tell their closest friends. But he had a chance to back out now if he didn't want to tell them. But Bakugo wasn't one for half ass actions.

"I said that I am not knocked down", Bakugo repeated himself "I am knocked up. Stupid bitch hit me with her quirk months ago and now I am pregnant".

Kirishima squeezed his hand a bit tighter knowing that Bakugo had been so afraid to tell them. He was so brave right now. The three in front of them looked between Bakugo and Kirishima not able to detect if Bakugo was joking or not.

"I am not joking you idiots", Bakugo groaned "go ask Recovery Girl if you don't believe me".

"So you are pregnant from that viallain woman?", Kaminari asked dumbly.

"What? No!", Bakugo yelled at him angrily "I am pregnant from Eijirou".

"I knew Bakugo is a bottom", Sero laughed.

While Sero and Kaminari laughed at Sero's statement Mina watched her friends in awe. She noticed how Kirishima lay his hand on Bakugo's shoulder and smiled at him while the blonde frowned slightly. If Mina didn't know any better she would say that Bakugo looked.... sad. Just as she had that thought in mind she got angry. Angry at Sero and Kaminari for making fun of him when he had opened up so much to them. She lifted her hands and smacked both of them on the back of their heads.

"Shut up you asshats", she hissed "don't you see that you are making him sad. Do you have any idea of how hard it must have been to tell us that? And then you come and make fun of him? Do you have any idea how much he is struggling already with being pregnant?"

"It's just funny that he is pregnan-", Sero started but then the meaning of the statement finally seemed to have caught up on him "oh my god, he is pregnant".

"I just told you, tape face", Bakugo grumbled trying so hard not to let his feelings of anxiety and panic show.

"Everything is fine", Kirishima stroked his cheek with his thumb "I am so proud of you".

It seemed to calm Bakugo down and the blonde attempted a smile at his boyfriend.

"If you don't accept me, that's okay", Bakugo stated quietly then got louder and angrier "but if you make fun of Eijirou or our baby I am going to kill you".

His words weren't hateful as you might expect. They were full of fear and insecurity. It was silent for a while before Mina approached Bakugo, sitting down in the chair that the boy had been occupying when Recovery Girl was checking up on Kirishima.

"You were really afraid to tell us, huh?", she cautiously lay her hand on Bakugo's shoulder.

"I...", Bakugo started to deny it but figured that it was to no avail as the pink girl had seen right through him "this is just a weird situation, okay?"

"But you do know that we are your friends, right?", Mina  smiled at him softly.

"I thought", Bakugo whispered "you just tolerated me because of Eijirou".

"Bakugo", Mina looked at him sadly "we love you for you and we will be there to support you no matter what".

Bakugo looked up at her with a look that held surprise as well as pain and the silent question if she was serious.

"I mean it", Mina clarified "you might be a jerk at times but you are our jerk and we love you. As well as we will love this baby".

"Yeah man she is right", Sero eventually spoke up "I didn't mean to make you feel bad. And this might be weird. Well not bad weird you know what I mean. But it doesn't matter. The last years with you all have been crazy. What does a baby change? We still love you both".

"OH MY GOD YOU ARE HAVING A BABY!", Kaminari finally exclaimed.

"Wow", Kirishima snorted at his best friend "that took some time".

"This is so amazing dudes!", Kaminari smiled widely "oh my god we will have a new Bakusquad member!"

"Oh then we can be the babysquad!", Mina cooed and somehow the tension and the fear eased out of Bakugo as his friends seemed so happy for them. They kept discussing how to name the group when Bakugo suddenly spoke up.

"Hey idiots", Bakugo said and all their faces turned to him immediatly "thank you".

"Aww Bakuuuuu", Mina whined "please let me hug youuuu. The pregnancy is making him softer. I love it".

Bakugo rolled his eyes but opened his arms for the pink girl to cuddle into. Sero and Kaminari squirmed and Kirishima laughed as he gestured for them to join them on the bed for a group hug.

"But don't squish our baby", Kirishima warned.

"It will have so many people that love it", Bakugo whispered towards Kirishima but everyone heard it and smiled at him softly "a bunch of crazy aunts and uncles but it will never be alone".

"I am gonna be an aunt", Mina cheered "hey baby it's me auntie Mina. I am gonna watch out for you".

"It's not evolved enough for you to talk to it. It doesn't even show really", Bakugo huffed but that didn't stop them all to talk to his flat belly as they stayed in the group hug for several hours.

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