Part 14

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"Hey Bakugo we cooked for you because you helped us improve so much", Ochako announced as Kirishima and Bakugo entered the dorms.

"Oh my god what is that smell?", Bakugo asked as he lifted a hand to his mouth to keep himself from throwing up.

"Oh it's a traditional soup", Ochako told him proudly "we got the recipe from Tsu's grandma".

"Oh god, I need to throw up", he mumbled before sprinting down the hall and to the toilets.

"Doesn't Bakugo like soup, Kirishima?", Tsu asked a little sadly.

"Oh um...", Kirishima didn't know what to say and scratched the back of his neck.

"Maybe he dislikes the smell", Todoroki suggested and the girls looked at him sadly "although it smells delicious to me".

That seemed to lift their mood again and they smiled at the boy with the bicoloured hair.

"We have enough soup for you too, Todoroki", Ochako smiled and Todoroki's mouth twitched up as well.

"Where is everyone else?", Kirishima asked as he looked around and into an empty common room.

"Oh they all went to a fair in town but we wanted to do something nice for Bakugo so we stayed behind", Ochako explained "although he might not be really happy about it".

"Kaminari, Sero and Mina stayed back as well when they heard about the food", Todoroki informed "Izuku and I planned a movie night, so he is around here as well".

"It's kinda weird when the halls are this empty", Kirishima laughed and the others nodded agreeing with him. Just then Bakugo returned from the toilet looking pale as a ghost.

"Woah, Babe. Are you okay?", Kirishima immediatly sprinted to his side to help him walk and Bakugo let himself fall a little bit into his boyfriend's side.

"Yeah I am okay", he still breathed a littly heavy "it's just... the smell made me throw up. It's okay now. I don't get it either".

"You struggled with throwing up a lot these days, ribbit", Tsu remarked sounding really concerned and Bakugo looked at Kirishima to silently make a decision "are you sure you are okay?"

"Yeah I was worrying about that too", Ochako frowned.

"Yeah I have noticed as well and wondered about your health", Todoroki added.

"You even concerned Shoto, Kacchan", Izuku laughed as he walked into the room and over to his boyfriend "that's impressive".

"You don't seem concerned at all", Todoroki eyed him as he took his hand "what is that about? You usually freak out about everything".

"Oh umm I", Izuku stuttered looking at his boyfriend apologetically.

"Do you know?", Todoroki gasped "and you didn't tell me? You tell me everything! And I mean everything. Even what kind of tea you had for breakfast but when Bakugo is obviously sick you don't tell me about it? Are you even Izuku?"

Todoroki watched him closely and Izuku paled under the accusation of keeping secrets from his boyfriend. The whole room was quiet until Bakugo huffed.

"Jeez Icy-hot stop killing him with that look", Bakugo frowned "he didn't talk about it because I didn't want anyone to find out".

"Oh my god, Bakugo!", Ochako gasped dramatically "are you gonna die? Please tell me you're not gonna die".

"I am not going to die", Bakugo rolled his eyes "I guess".

"You're not, Katsuki", Kirishima slapped his arm playfully and chuckled as he pulled Bakugo into his arms.

"We could die later tho because we won't get any sleep", Bakugo argued.

"That is a legitimate argument", Kirishima nodded and then kissed his temple "but we will manage somehow".

"What are you even talking about?", Todoroki asked confused.

"Yeah why wouldn't you get enough sleep?", Ochako wondered "maybe because of throwing up? But what does that have to do with Kirishima? And why don't you participate in training anymore?"

"Oh my god", Tsu suddenly looked at him wide eyed. First in his face and then her eyes traveled down his upper body until they came to a rest on his belly. That was hidden under a really loose fitting shirt. Something Bakugo usually wouldn't wear because it didn't show his muscle. The girl always spoke what was on her mind and the first thing that came to mind was something that was close to impossible. But they were training to be heroes in a world where so many people had special abilities. So what was even impossible anymore?

"Bakugo, are you...", she looked him in his eyes again "pregnant?"

"What? But he is a guy", Todoroki sounded confused.

"Yes I am", Bakugo nodded and Ochako and Todoroki dropped their jaw as Tsu smiled at him. If she was happy to be right or happy for him he didn't know. "That villain made it possible and since we didn't know well... it happened".

"If I can be honest for a second", Todoroki spoke up and everyone was a bit afraid of what the boy might say even if his social skills have really improved over the years "this is the best thing that happened out of a villain attack since that one villain punched my father in the face".

"Thanks man", Kirishima said although it sounded slightly like a question.

"You are happy, right?", Ochako spoke up "because that's a really great thing. Imagine a child with Bakugo's strong will and Kirishima's kindness. It will be a blessing".

"I am sure the child will be so determined on making the people around him happy, ribbit", Tsu smiled "that's a nice thought".

"I can't wait for it to arrive", Kirishima hugged Bakugo from behind and lay both hands on his bump making it more obvious.

"You are showing already!", Ochako gasped "how far along are you?"

"Starting fifth month soon", Mina said when she entered the room and Bakugo grinned because the girl had asked him so many questions "only five more months until our niece or nephew is here. It's so exciting".

"I know right?", Kaminari grinned as well as Sero.

"Now everyone who knows is here", Kirishima chuckled "well except the teachers and our parents."

"That would be so weird", Bakugo snorted "imagine Aizawa chilling here with us".

Everyone laughed at that although they wouldn't really mind if their teacher joined them.

"Hey guys", Kirishima spoke up after everyone had stopped laughing "thank you for your support. I mean it. None of you has looked at us weird or said a bad word. And I really appreciate your help and your kindness".

"We both do", Bakugo smiled slightly.

"We are one big family after all, right?", Izuku spoke up "and we are happy for more family members".

"Exactly", Ochako grinned "but now let's have some soup".

"Nope", Bakugo held his hand in front of his mouth again as Ochako opened the pot of soup and sprinted to the bathroom.

"You guys should start eating", he grinned at them apologetically as he followed Bakugo to care for him "we will join you soon".

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