Part 15

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"You know you don't have to do this right?", Kirishima said as he pulled Bakugo closer by his hands until he was face to face with the bump as he was sitting on the bed.

"I know but I can barely hide it and I would rather tell them than them finding out on their own", Bakugo stated "Iida lectured me about staying in shape already. That bastard".

"He just cares for your hero form", Kirishima interjected.

"I know but he basically called me fat though", Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"He did not!", Kirishima kissed his bump "he just called you out of shape and you can't say that's a lie. But you have a beautiful round shape now".

"Ugh not you too", Bakugo tried to pull back but Kirishima held his hands "let go of me".

"Never!", Kirishima grinned "and I mean it. You do look beautiful. You always do".

"That's...", Bakugo looked away "stop saying sappy stuff".

"Are you crying?", Kirishima gasped "babe are you crying?"

"I am not crying!", Bakugo denied vehemently while rubbing his fist along his eye "I just have something in my eyes".

"Yeah, tears", Kirishima chuckled and pulled him into his arms "come here you softie. I love you so much".

"I love you too you idiot", Bakugo laughed as he leant down to hug a still sitting Kirishima "but we have to go now. Class starts soon".

"Class starts in half an hour", Kirishima argued as he wanted to keep hugging his pregnant boyfriend "I want to stay like this a little longer".

"But I want to tell them. I thought you wanted that too", Bakugo sounded so vulnerable that Kirishima pulled back to look at his face. He saw that Bakugo was afraid. He probably just wanted this to be over with.

"Yeah, I want everyone to know that I am having a baby with the future number 1 hero", Kirishima beamed and it seemed to put Bakugo a little at ease as he was smiling slightly "let's go tell them".

They walked to their classroom hand in hand as usual meeting several of their friends on the way.

"Good morning, Kacchan", Midoriya smiled as he walked over to join them "how are you two? Um... three".

"I keep getting fatter", Bakugo complained "even four eyes has noticed and now I gotta tell everyone before I look like Fat Gum and they figure things out on their own".

"You are not even close to Fat Gum", Kirishima rolled his eyes "but that reminds me I have night patrol with him in a few weeks. Until then it's just the usual day shifts".

"Ugh... guess I won't get any sleep then", Bakugo huffed.

"I could sleep over", Mina suggested as she showed up behind them "I can cuddle you as well".

"That's really not the same", Bakugo glared at her.

"But he appreciates the gesture though", Kirishima added in Bakugo's stead.

"Whatever", the blonde huffed as they entered the school building. They walked in silence until they arrived in their classroom and sat down in their seats. Bakugo waited for the first periods to be over and planned to talk to his class when they had training classes because Aizawa was there in case shit would go down.

"Katsuki", Kirishima spoke up softly as they walked to the gym hand in hand "you need to relax. It's gonna be okay".

"I am relaxed", Bakugo huffed.

"Then why are you firing small explosions?", Kirishima raised his hand where Bakugo caused tiny explosions to go off against Kirishima's palm.

"Oh shit", Bakugo just then realized what he did "are you okay?"

"Of course I am", Kirishima kissed his temple "but please don't stress yourself too much".

Bakugo nodded and smiled at his boyfriend as he walked into the gym while the others went to change. It wasn't until everyone was there that Bakugo really panicked. He wasn't used to this. He was indifferent to what everyone else thought. But not with this. Not after all the years he had spent with those people. He wanted them to be happy. He took a deep breath as he stepped forward and coughed loudly to get their attention.

"I wanted to tell you something", Bakugo tried to sound steady but he didn't and Kirishima stepped to him to kiss his forehead and hold his hand.

"Kirishima please don't interrupt him", Iida gestured with his hands "he wanted to talk to us".

"Yeah actually Eiji and I both wanted to tell you something", Bakugo stated and squeezed the hand that lay in his.

"Please tell us", Iida nodded at him to continue.

"I was involved in a quirk accident nearly five months ago and...", Bakugo rolled his eyes as he took a deep breath "long story short Eiji and I are having a baby. I am pregnant".

Some gasps were heard and eyes got wide but no one was laughing at him or calling him weird.

"Is this for real?", Momo spoke up shy but honestly caring.

"It is", Kirishima beamed at his classmates.

"This...", Jiro blinked "that's really cool. We will have a baby here soon. How cool".

Everyone started smiling and talking about how cool this is when suddenly a loud voice spoke up and Bakugo was scared a second to hear what their class president had to say.

"This will show how much you have grown and how responsible you have both become", Iida spoke up "you will both be amazing parents and heroes".

"Thanks class prez", Kirishima cooed and heard Bakugo sniff beside him "babe are you okay?"

"Yes", Bakugo lied but Kirishima saw the tear roll down his face and nudged him slightly " I just really like these dumb fuckers, okay?"

"Awww Baku, we love you too", Mina cheered and walked over to hug him and lay her hand on his bump "and you too my little sunshine".

"God I hate you", Bakugo said but laid his arms around Mina "come here already you losers".

Everyone laughed and went to join the hug.

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