Part 16

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Thank you so much for your kind words and constant support. I love you guys a lot. Here is an extra long chapter for you!

Kirishima came home from a day at his work studies and Bakugo was lying on the sofa in the common room. His head rested on Mina's legs who was currently busy running her fingers through his hair. His legs lying on top of Izuku's who was talking to Todoroki next to him.

"Hey Babe", Kirishima smiled as he leant down over the backrest of the couch to kiss his boyfriend.

"Hey", Bakugo smiled as they parted "how was work?"

"Pretty calm, thank god", Kirishima grinned "how was your appointment with Recovery Girl today?"

"The baby is fine", Bakugo said and when Kirishima raised a brow he added "and I am too. But my back hurts and I am hungry all the time. But she said that's normal for starting the sixth month so...".

"Do not worry my friend", Sero spoke up and Kaminari joined his side "we got your back".

They handed him a bowl of fried rice and Bakugo struggled to sit up but managed eventually and sighed in happiness as he took it and immediatly started eating the precious food.

"You two sound so domestic it's so cute", Mina swooned over her friends.

"We do not", Bakugo rolled his eyes and continued eating until he had finished the bowl in record time and set it down on the table in front of him.

"Yes you do", Mina lectured him "you asking Kiri about his day and him asking about the appointment. Why were you there anyway?"

"I have an appointment each week", Bakugo said "just to make sure everything is alright".

"Oh okay", Mina nodded "I am glad everything is well".

There was silence for a few seconds but thankfully one man could lift the mood again.

"I also made cake for everyone", Sato spoke up hesitantly and everyone cheered and stuffed themselves with the baked goods.

"Oh my god Sato", Kirishima nearly moaned "this is so good".

"It really is", Sero chuckled "but keep the moaning in the bedroom, Kiri".

"Yeah no one but Baku should hear that", Mina grinned.

"I agree", Bakugo nodded while eating cake "although that wasn't nearly as sexy as when we are in the bedroom".

"Oh my god", Kirishima blushed the colour of his hair.

"Yeah I am not really suprised anymore how you got pregnant immediatly after getting hit with that quirk", Kaminari rolled his eyes playfully.

"Try living next to them", Shoji spoke up and everyone looked to the usually quiet boy.

"Well sorry for having a sex life", Bakugo groaned "not".

"Katsuki", Kirishima glared at him.

"What? I am not sorry for having sex with you", Bakugo shrugged.

"Stop talking about us having sex in front of our whole class!", Kirishima pleaded "an in front of the baby".

"You know it can't hear us right?", Bakugo huffed "Recovery Girl said that it can hear voices but not understand words".

"Oh okay. Umm while we are at it", Kirishima fiddled with his fingers nervously "did she tell you?"

"No, I didn't want to know when you were not by my side", Bakugo blushed slightly.

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