Part 13

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Time went by faster after they told their closest friends. They looked out for Bakugo all the time making sure he drank enough and didn't overwork himself. Bakugo was often annoyed but deep down he was glad to have such good friends. It was three weeks later on a saturday morning when Bakugo frowned at himself in the mirror. Kirishima was currently in his own room getting ready for the day but Bakugo could not manage to close his pants. He had noticed the last few days that they were tighter than usual but today he could not get them closed. He groaned in desperation and struggled out of them before throwing them across the room.

"Ugh I hate this", he yelled as he looked at his reflection in the mirror and lay a hand on his small bump "why are you doing this to my body? I mean I know it's not your fault but you have to understand that it sucks for me right?"

He turned around and got right back into bed to hide under his blanket. He didn't want to face reality today. He just wanted to hide and pretend that his clothes weren't too small for him.

The sound of the door opening and closing ripped him out of those thoughts.

"Are you ready babe?", Kirishima asked.

"I am not going", Bakugo mumbled from inside his cocoon.

"What? Why?", Kirishima followed the sound and sat down on the bed poking the blanket burrito "what is wrong?"

"I am just not going", Bakugo grumbled.

"Tell me the truth", Kirishima pulled the blanket down to look at Bakugo's face.

"I am too fat for my clothes and don't want to face this day", Bakugo admit and pulled the blanket over his head again.

"Will you let me in there?", Kirishima asked pulling at the blanket slightly.

Instead of answering Bakugo lifted the blanket slightly and Kirishima shimmied under there looking at his belly. He had seen it every day and had noticed how it formed into a slight bump but he was amazed every time again.

"You are so beautiful", he smiled as he lay his hand on the bump.

"I am not. I don't even fit in my pants", Bakugo frowned "I really don't wanna go out there, Eijirou. Please don't make me".

"Can I go to get food?", Kirishima asked and Bakugo raised his brow and Kirishima laughed "I won't leave you alone here all day, babe. I will return as soon as I found something to eat".

"You don't need to stay here with me", Bakugo said quietly.

"Yeah but I want to", Kirishima kissed his forehead and his bump before crawling out of bed "but I am gonna get food first".

With that he disappered and after some minutes Bakugo needed to pee. After that he put on some loose sweat pants and a worn out shirt and got back into bed to wait for his boyfriend to return with food. He just then noticed that he was really hungry.

"Your dad will be right back with food", Bakugo talked to the baby "I hope he brings meat buns".

"I brought meat buns", Kirishima announced as he slammed open the door and Bakugo grinned to himself.

"And he brought us", Mina cheered as she passed Kirishima and jumped on the bed next to Bakugo "Kiri said you weren't feeling good".

"I figured that if you won't go out I have to get them here", Kirishima shrugged as Sero, Kaminari and Izuku stepped inside the room behind him.

"Are you okay Kacchan?", Izuku asked as he sat at the end of the bed.

"Why have you brought Deku here?", Bakugo glared at Kirishima "he can look right through me that's not fair!"

"It's good to talk, you know?", Kirishima said as he chewed on a meat bun "it's not like you can hide it forever".

"Eijirou!", Bakugo protested as he just casually talked about it.

"Oh my god, are you showing?", Mina's eye widened and Izuku looked at him too.

"My uniform doesn't fit anymore", Bakugo grumbled and pulled the blanket tighter around him "I lost all my muscles. It's not funny. I hate it".

"But doesn't that mean that everything is fine? That the baby is evolving normally?", Izuku asked innocently.

"Yes. And I love that, okay?", Bakugo groaned "but I hate how it makes me feel weak and ugly".

"You are neither weak nor ugly", Kirishima spoke up "you are beautiful carrying our baby and you have got to be really strong to do that. It aquires serious balls".

"He is right", Mina smiled at him "but I get how you feel tho. I feel like that whenever I am on my period. It really sucks but always remember that you are better than that".

"I guess", Bakugo huffed "thanks".

"No problem but hey", Mina looked him straight in the eye "can I see it?"

Bakugo contemplated it for a moment and figured that it didn't matter. They all knew about his state anyways and they came here for him to feel better so he could do that. He dropped the blanket and lifted his shirt to reveal his tiny bump. Izuku gasped and Mina slapped a hand in front of her mouth as her eyes filled with tears.

"This is so amazing, Kacchan", Izuku smiled at his oldest friend.

"It seems so surreal though", Mina whispered as she put her hands down "it's truly a wonder".

"Yeah our little wonder", Kirishima smiled as he came over and kissed Bakugo then lay his hand on the bump "you are amazing babe".

"Woah when has that happened?", Kaminari asked as he saw the bump when he and Sero eventually got next to them as well.

"I bet the baby feels super safe with Bakugo", Sero grinned as he handed his friend a meat bun who took it greedily.

"What have you two done until now?", Bakugo raised a brow as he bit into the food. 

"We set up the switch", Sero shrugged.

"It's time for mario kart", Kaminari held up the controllers and Bakugo grinned wickedly happy for participating in a competition once again.

"You're on!"

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