Part 20

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"Stop being so stubborn! You should really sleep on the couch", Izuku argued "it's not good for your back to sleep on the floor".

"It's not good for your back as well", Bakugo returned and that was the moment that Todoroki swooped in with his straight forward attitude.

"Izuku does not carry a baby and he does not have a huge bump and general back pains because of that though", he stated and Bakugo stared at him.

"Did you just call me fat?", he gasped and raised his brows.

"What? No I did not say such a thing I just said that you have gotten bigger due to being pregnant", Todoroki stated puzzled.

"You know what? Fuck this shit", Bakugo said as he turned around and left towards the kitchen. The only thing he heard was Izuku trying to explain to Todoroki that he wasn't really showing empathy. But Bakugo couldn't deal with that right now because his eyes were burning with tears that were threatening to fall. He grabbed a cup of ice cream out of the freezer as well as a spoon and let himself slide down the wall and settle against the counter.

"You know I love you but it's really starting to annoy me how bothered I am about everything", Bakugo told his bump as he was shoving the first spoon of ice cream into his mouth "you know a few years ago I would not have cared and a few months ago I would have cared but I would not have cried and now I care and I cry and I don't like it at all".

He continued to eat his ice cream angrily as tears spilled down his face.

"Why are you kicking me now?", Bakugo laughed as he stared at his bump questioningly "you know what? I get it. Your dad would kick me as well when I would have said that to him. Katsuki showing feelings is manly. I can hear him say it. So now you watch out for me when he isn't here huh?".

He got an answer in the form of a soft kick.

"Yeah I love you too", he smiled softly and wiped his tears away with the back of his hand that was still holding the spoon "I am really excited for you to be in my arms, you know?"

"You have become so cute, Kacchan", Izuku smiled at him from where he stood against the counter.

"Shut up, I am not cute, Deku", Bakugo grumbled "and since when are you here anyways?"

"Oh I didn't hear much really", Izuku shrugged "just that you can't wait to meet your daughter. Again that's so cute".

"You are an idiot", Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"You have still become cute", Izuku teased him.

"And you have become far too sassy for your own good", Bakugo glared at him "you wouldn't have teased me like that two years ago".

"Yeah but two years ago you were pretty much an asshole", Izuku stated and then his eyes got wide "oh my god. Did she hear me? I didn't mean it like that".

"How would she know what an assole is?", Bakugo asked exasperated "she can't understand words yet".

"Oh thank god", Izuku sighed.

"You are such a dork", Bakugo snorted and Izuku dropped down next to him "you will be a great uncle".

"I guess someone has to talk to her without using the word shit or fuck some time", Izuku joked.

"Hey Eijirou's vocabulary isn't that bad", Bakugo retorted and they both started laughing "but for real I am going to use better words when she is around. I want to do this the right way".

"I know", Izuku smiled at him.

"And I don't want to force her to be a hero if she doesn't want to be one", he stated again.

"You know Shouto was really moved that day since he was forced into this business by his dad", Izuku informed and Katsuki smiled sadly "no one should have such a childhood".

"Yeah, Endeavour is a huge asshole", Bakugo agreed.

"I was especially proud when you said you'd love her even if she doesn't have a quirk", the green haired soon to be uncle grinned at his blond friend "that meant a lot. And it made me think".

"About what?", Bakugo asked confused.

"If she really is quirkless and she wants to be a hero", Izuku started and Bakugo interruped him.

"If she wants to be a hero she can be a fucking hero. With or without a quirk. I will do everything to help her become the best quirkless hero ever", Bakugo exclaimed then got thoughtful "and the first I guess".

"That was not where I was getting at", Izuku huffed.

"Oh", Bakugo looked at him silently getting him to continue talking.

"If she wants to be a hero", he started again "then I will pass One for All down to her when it's time".

"You what?", Bakugo's eyes widened.

"Only if she wants to of course", Izuku repeated "and if she has the right attitude".

"Are you questioning my parenting skills already?", Bakugo raised a brow "keep it in until I have to be a parent okay?"

"Deal", Izuku grinned.

"Oh and Deku", Bakugo turned serious again "thank you. But I really want her to be whatever she wants to be. So let's not worry about this stuff now, yeah?"

"Yeah", Izuku agreed and then looked over to the door when he heard the others returning as well "how about we go back and join the others?"

"Ugh I really don't want to go back to them and hear how fat I am again", Bakugo frowned and earned another kick and snorted at his bump "okay, okay I am going".

"Maybe she can understand us", Izuku paled when he remembered how he cursed earlier.

"She can not", Bakugo assured him and attempted to stand up but failed while Izuku stood up smoothly.

"Shall I help you?", the green haired boy offered his hand.

"Don't you dare tell anyone about this", Bakugo groaned as he was lifted from the ground by his oldest friend.

"I can keep a secret", Izuku winked and they both made their way back inside the common room where everyone else was getting ready to sleep.

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