Part 18

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"We will not let you risk this alone", Iida stated and Bakugo had yet to process his words.

"What?", Bakugo asked not quite getting the situation.

"I said we will not let you do this alone. Aizawa sensei technically told you to leave so I see it as my duty to help you", Iida explained "I will not let you go alone. Not in this situation. Not with people out there that want to harm you. No one can find out about your state. So you need help to hide and get out of here as well as back inside without anyone noticing".

"And you want to help me?", Bakugo asked wide eyed.

"Well I can't speak for the others but I will help you", Iida stated and looked at his classmates "I am sure I won't be the only one".

"You're not", Izuku lay his hand on Bakugo's shoulder "I am in as well".

One after the other spoke up and said that they will help as well.

"I was too afraid to help Kirishima get you", Tsu spoke up last "I won't do the same mistake again".

"We will need one team that stays here to get you in and out", Iida planned out loud "and one team to accompany you. The second team takes a bigger risk and has to have enough people to distract several people on your way out here and into the hospital".

"Well I will stay by his side", Izuku stated immediatly.

"And I will always stay with Izuku", Todoroki said.

"I will not leave Baku or my niece", Mina cheered and Sero and Kaminari nodded agreeing with the pink girl.

"I will go with you as well", Shinsou offered "I mean my quirk could be of help". Momo nodded as she could help as well.

"I could hold the gate open for about a minute with Shoji's help so we should stay here to let you out and back in", Sato suggested.

Like this the teams were quickly formed and Bakugo was ready to leave along with Izuku, Todoroki, Mina, Sero, Kaminari, Shinsou, Jirou and Momo.

"Okay let's do this", Ochako fist pumped as she handed Iida a phone. He quickly dialed a number and talked with his most serious voice.

"Well hello ma'am my name is Tenya Iida. My friend Kirishima was taken to your hospital and I just wanted to know which room he was staying in so I can go visit him tomorrow when visitors are allowed", Iida spoke in his usual formal voice and nodded when the woman on the phone answered him "aha, room 3.17. Thank you so much. Have a good evening".

"Okay now let's get to the gate and get you out of here", Hagakure cheered and class 1A sneeked out of the dorm building and to the front gate where they held the gate open and fled because Momo made a device that cracked the code of the alarm.

When the group was outside Shinsou convinced a bus driver to drive them to the hospital as soon as possible.
Bakugo had put on the largest sweatshirt he could find and pulled the hood over his head to hide himself.

"You will see him soon", Mina patted his knee as she sat down next to him "this mission is so crazy right? I mean we could all go see him by tomorrow".

"I couldn't", Bakugo mumbled "I am not allowed to leave school grounds because of the baby. And even if I could I would have left to see him now. I need to know if he is okay".

"I am sure he is okay", Kaminari grinned "he is the toughest guy I know".

"That's true", Sero agreed "I am sure he is already awake and grinning at everyone in the hospital".

"That would totally be like him", Bakugo smiled slightly then lay a hand on his bump and frowned.

"Are you okay, Kacchan?", Izuku immediatly asked and looked at him concerned.

"Yeah I am good", he huffed "she is just moving. I guess she wants to be with her dad as well".

"Oh my god", Momo cooed "that's so cute".

"Guys I am sorry to interrupt this", Shinsou spoke up "but we're here".

They all exited the bus and made sure to thank the bus driver as he regained the control over his actions. He didn't seem to care and just drove off again.

"Okay now we have to get inside", Sero stated "but how?"

"Well we can't use the main entrance as visitors aren't allowed this late", Todoroki figured "we should get through the emergency room entrance somehow".

Jirou looked over to Denki and they seemed to have a silent conversation until arriving at the entrace.

"Overload yourself, Denki", Jirou said and Denki nodded determined before releasing all the energy and walking around like a dumbass. Jirou grabbed his arm when the electricity has faded and pulled him inside the emergency room.

"Doctor help!", she exclaimed "my friend here has overworked himself and needs immediate help".

One of the nurses came over immediatly and opened the door to the hospital wing for them to follow her. Jirou held the door open long enough for Izuku to hold it and pass through with Bakugo and Shinsou as no one noticed. The rest of them stayed outside and waited for their friends to return.

"Hello Sir", Shinsou smiled at a man in the corridor.

"Wait what are you kids doing here?", the man asked.

"Well good that you ask", Shinsou smiled "how about you walk us to room 3.16. That would be so nice".

The man started walking them there and as they were led by a doctor nobody asked why they were there. As they arrived at the room Shinsou told the man to just close his eyes for ten seconds while they all slipped into room 3.17.

"See that's why I told him to go to 3.16.  They won't search in here now", Shinsou explained.

Izuku nodded and stood with Shinsou at the door as Bakugo walked into the room further seeing Kirishima in the hospital bed.

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