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Chapter 3: Lockdown!

Breakfast had ended a few hours ago, but the fight that had occurred at the canteen had reached the ears of the higher ups.
They had requested a lockdown.

Lockdown was when anyone stepped out of line or misbehaved. Refusal of medication and fights were the most common reasons for a such extreme measures.

This resulted in a punishment for the trouble maker. The flip side was that every patient had to stay inside their own rooms to teach everyone a lesson. A lockdown generally lasted about four hours, but was extended if there was no remorse from the guilty party.

Nurses regularly checked the rooms that the kids were in, making sure no one was doing anything dangerous or life threatening, since most patients weren't stable enough to last a night without those inspections.

Luckily there had never been any injuries, self inflicted during the four hour stay. It was a lonely time though, a time to reflect on any bad you had done in the past. Alone.

Jaemin was currently sitting in his bed, staring at the window that had been covered due to his regular fits. The nurses would always keep an eye on him, making sure that nothing would trigger his odd and dangerous behaviour.

The sound of screaming throughout the hallways made the young teen cringe. Whenever a lockdown was initiated, there were always the screamers.

These were the people that wouldn't shut up, much to the blonde's dismay. There were people like his friends that stayed quiet, wishing for nothing but freedom of this hell. Then there were the psychotic one's that would sleep with a smile on their face, listening to the screams of the troubled patients.

The sound of the lock clicking made Jaemin look up. Was it finally time to go? That wasn't right. It had only been three hours at the most. His train of thoughts was stopped when a familiar voice called from behind the closed door.

"Jaemin, sweetie." There was no menacing tone in the lady's voice as she opened the door. She had always gotten along so well with Jaemin, finding the younger very sweet and cute, boy to mention his well mannered way.

Jaemin was the kind of kid that you could trust with your life. He would give you anything you wanted if he had access to it. There was a catch though, you had to be loyal.

"Hi nurse," he mumbled tiredly. He hadn't slept well in a few days, always afraid of the dark and what loomed within it.

"The lockdown still has another hour left, but Jeno has requested your assistance, and the higher up's approve of the removal from your room." Jaemin was shocked. They had never let anyone out before during the punishment, how bad was Jeno?


"He's panicking and won't calm down unless you are there," she said, giving the younger a weak smile. She eyed the younger boy who's brows were furrowed in displeasure that Jeno was so upset.

"Kay. I can go now, right?" He questioned matter of factor, almost ignoring the kind tone that the woman spoke to him with.

"I have to lead you there though. Safety precautions of lockdown," she chirped, scanning her card against the staff machine that allowed them into the rooms at all times.

At night, there were certain rooms that would get locked, but most of the patients were stable enough to have their room unlocked as long as someone was on night shift. They also had three guards on each floor of the building, making sure that no one attacked the nurses that let them live relatively freely.

"What was wrong with him?" The blonde suddenly spoke, knocking the older lady from her daze as she looked at him expectantly.


"Oh, I was just asking what was wrong with Jeno?" He repeated, skin starting to crawl when she took a while to concoct an answer.

"Just one of his panic attacks, you know him!" She continued, as if a boy that panicked at the drop of a pin was normal. Compared to the psychos that he hung out with, it was relatively normal.

His thoughts shifted to the flickering lights that lined the hallway. The buzzing sound of the bulbs dying slowly was the only thing that could be heard in the eerie silence that lay all over the building since the screams ceased somewhere along the way.

The thought of Jisung getting in trouble played in Jaemin's head, but as soon as it came, he pushed it away. He didn't want to even think of that stuff.

As if his one wish was destroyed, the screams began again from the other patients. It made the blonde teen's brow twitch in annoyance.

He had never had the patience that Jeno or Mark had had. The nurse noticed his anger towards the loud noise, a small smile gracing her features.

"Annoying right?" She quietly asked while approaching the closed door.

"Tell me about it!" Jaemin could barely take the noise any longer, but when the door was swung open and he saw his best friend, his anger subsided and he just ran to the elder boy's side.

"Na?" His small voice called as his sobs halted for a few moments. "Thank god your here. They wouldn't let Renjun come. It was so scary," he mumbled, voice muffled by the taller boy's shoulder.

"I know it was, but they said that I'm allowed to be here so I'm not going to leave. Alright?"

The ravenette shook in Jaemin's hold, but he had nodded his head, butying his face into the crook of the blonde's neck.

He took a deep breath in, enjoying the presence of the younger. He had always valued it and found any moment together precious. With this thought in mind, the brunette wrapped his legs around Jaemin's waist.

Jaemin didn't fight this, but instead pulled the taller in closer, wanting this enjoyable touch to last forever.

The nurse stood by he door, leaning against the surface. They deserved this...she knew this. Guilt was eating her inside for keeping the boy's separate for so long.

"I'll leave you two here for a few minutes. I can trust you?" She questioned, already walking away.

"Of course nurse."

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