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Chapter 19: Our Own Thing

"She said that I need to get better..." he trailed off, his voice becoming caught in his throat as he sat oppisite Jeno,

The younger wore a concerned look while holding Mark hand comfortingly. This was his attempt to settle all the uncertainties that both had, although both he and Mark knew that a little kindness wasn't enough to sort out the mess that they had been pushed into unwillingly.

"I know you will, Mark. There isn't any doubt. You will see your brother again in no time," the younger reassured, letting his own mind stray to thoughts of two people.
Renjun and Jaemin had been quite the secretive pair in recent weeks, and even the level-headed and patient Jeno found himself becoming agitated.

He looked up to meet eyes with Mark, but his heart twanged in pain as he saw the older's hair sticking up ofdly since they had only woken in recent minutes.

His throat constricted immediately, his forehead producing a concerning amount of sweat as his eyes darted around the room for something satisfying, but to his displeasure, the dingy room contain many creases and uneven work.

"Jeno," Mark mumbled, while standing up and turning away.

He tried to fix the hair, but only found his work made Jeno even more flustered and distressed.

"Sit down, Mark, I still need to talk to you. I'll just..." he trailed of for a moment upon seeing how the non-ironed outfit hung off of Marks severely thin body. "Stand by the wall."

And so he did.

Mark guilty sat back down, watching the back of his best friend tremble as he held in the laboured breaths.

He had really been trying recently, and had listened to his therapist and had tried calming his breathing whenever the feeling of dissatisfaction or distress tried to control.

"Anyway," Jeno hummed, continuing with these tactics for as long as he could. "Have you noticed something going on between Renjun and Jaemin?"

Mark squeaked at this, his gut twisting as he thought up many excuses.

It was exactly what Chenle had done, but now Mark knew the stress that the younger had felt when face-to-face with an unexpected situation.

"Not really," he choked out, knowing by the scoff that followed, that his lying skills still amounted to nothing compared to Jisung's.

"Seriously, Mark," he hissed, becoming impatient and extremely uncomfortable. The small crack that trailed along the wall wasn't even straight. He couldn't fathom how so many patients could even sleep. "I'm not stupid." His breathing was slightly uneven, though it was nothing that would have concerned him or his friend.

"Seriously man, be honest with me...."

A small sigh fell from Mark's lips as he let his head fall, reflecting how Jeno looked. The younger wouldn't lift his head, due to the fear of the ugly sights that the world held.

"Trust me, Jeno, it's nothing that you should worry about. I don't even know what I heard, just noticed that they've been together a lot."

Jeno didn't quiz Mark any longer, finding that the older was not likely to share anymore than that.

"If you say so."

"Then that actress Park Minsoo, you know her?" Jisung asked while tilting his head slightly to Chenle who merely sighed in frustration. He knew where this was going, and he wasn't even slightly amused.

The six of them sat around a canteen table while eating dinner that night. Mark shovelled it in, his eyes squeezed shut as he tried to get the experience done with. Even so, he only finished a few spoonfuls, but the boys were still proud of him.

Donghyuck was absent which concerned them all, but none of the nurses would tell the boys where their friend had gone.

"She's my sister, of course you do," Jisung continued, only to receive a slap to the back of the head from his best friend.

He felt his cheeks flush red in embarrassment, but he also tried to calm the thumping of his heart, afraid that the older would hear it.

Thankfully he hadn't, and Jisung had gotten away with his confused feeling once again.

"Stop spouting trash you beanstalk," he huffed, side-eyeing the pinkette.
He saw the younger looking at his as a kicked puppy would. "Oh stop it."

He pulled Jisung in close to his, inhaling his scent.

He liked this, he liked being close to Jisung, but he wouldn't admit that.....ever.

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