thirty four

508 28 15

Chapter 34: Can't Go Back Now!

"Shit!" Mark hissed as he saw his lover on the medical bay bed, hooked up to many bags of fluids that were keeping him asleep.

The younger's face was as pale as paper, and his lips were almost turning blue.

"What the hell are in those bags!" Mark yelled as he lunged at the unconscious boy, ripping the IV out of the blonde's arm. His face scrunched up in confusion as the other still didn't awake from his enduced slumber.

"It's in his system," Jaemin mumbled, still clearly in a daze from the feeling of loss as he thought of his two lovers.

Still, he leaned forward and helped Mark get Donghyuck onto the eldest's back so that they could swiftly leave the hellhole that was the asylum.

"It might take him a while to wake up."

Mark hummed at this, arms looped beneath Donghyuck's thighs while he propped the younger further up on his back to stop him from falling.

"Hurry up!" Jisung yelled in to the pair who had retrieved their friend. "They'll be here in no time!" He continued, hand holding tightly onto Chenle's hand since he was unsure of the outcome of this escape.

"We're coming, Ji. Cool it!" Jaemin grumbled, sliding the door open to allow the couple out.

"Ready?" Mark called out over the blaring sirens of the fire alarms. Each of the boys were drenched by the sprinkler system that showered down whilst showing no mercy to the escapees. Chenle shivered in Jisung arms, finding the chill that ran down his spine a rather unpleasant one.

"Damn right I am," he breathlessly mumbled as he dragged Jisung to be right behind Mark. Jaemin jumped in behind them, following the four out of the asylum doors.

The air was so much clearer. The smell of upturned soil was so much fresher than the sanitised scent of chemicals which had definitely damaged their lungs on some way.

This was the closest taste off freedom that Jaemin had felt in years. The free spirit he was relished in the moment, wanting it to last forever. One thing weighed on his mind. Renjun and Jeno should be by his side as the tastes the country air, as smelly as it was.

His heart ached for the older two who had risked everything for them. Were either okay? Would they be fine in the following days? Would they survive without the five of them?

There was no doubt in his mind that the nurses and higher-ups were most definitely going to go on a rampage in fear of exposure.

He sucked in the air, feeling how the gentle breeze pushed his overgrown fringe off his face. "Fuck this," hissed to himself. Why did nothing ever work out for him.

Mark barely heard the boy and merely hummed, a sign for the younger to repeat himself.

"I'm going back for the other boys. I'll meet you outside. Get as far away as possible. I'll meet you by the mill." Mark wore a very hesitant look, not convinced that they would be successful if Jaemin went back inside.

"No, Jaem. As much as it pains me too, they chose to stay here. You'll be putting yourself in danger!" The younger didn't listen and instead planted a kiss on each of their cheeks, as if he was saying goodbye for good. After all, the adolescent was probably never going to get this close to freedom again.

"Chin up, Buttercup," he whispered to Chenle who begged him to stay. To no avail.

The three boys watched as Jaemin ran back in through the doors without any second thought, only a quick wave sent back at them.

Mark tilted his head to the side, listening to his boyfriend's soft breaths against his neck. If he wasn't leaving for Jaemin's sake, then he sure as hell was going to get his boyfriend and the younger two away from here, even if it meant that the other three didn't catch up.

As safe as they felt breathing in real air again, and watching the clouds move without real direction in life, they were well aware that there was never going to be real safety from where their families had left them.

But what was the point in following the rules?

The End

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