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Chapter 8: In Need Of Change

As mentioned, Mark did indeed see Donghyuck in the morning. The younger was paranoid, as he usually was after having one of his hallucinations.

Mark wrapped a comforting arm around his waist, pulling him in the direction of the buzzing canteen.

Donghyuck found himself subconsciously glancing around, looking for the man who had been in his room last night.

Mark, who knew the man wasn't actually real, tried to drive him away from searching and towards something bigger and better - their escape plan.

It had been a year, nearly two, of plotting the grand escape, and Mark was convinced that they needed to actually do something now.

Jisung had been in quite the mood ever since the fight. Only Chenle had heard from the pinkette about the punishment, but they all could assume the worst without need to ask.

Chrnle has been quite quiet, a trait that didn't roll with the second youngest. Renjun had noticed the off character in his fellow Chinese boy, but decided that if he were to talk to anyone, it would be Jisung.

Jeno had been there nearly two years too, his grandparents who had raised him, no longer having it in them to take care of him.

They were so lost, unsure of how they were to help him, unable to protect him. And so they sent him there, hoping that the professionals could help him, and aid him in some form of recovery.

Had they known the extremity to their methods, they may have reconsidered.

Jaemin, much like Jeno had been scarred from a young age. And with parents who had no ideas of how they were to save their son from such pain, they left him with the nurses, who promised the eager couple a cooperative and easy son.

Mark found himself sighing while studying the tired and dead look on each of his friends' faces. He needed to do something, and he needed to do it now if ever.

"What happened last night?" Jeno mumbled from beside the pair who had joined them.

Sharing a look with Donghyuck, who agreed to telling them, Mark told them of the night's events. All of them tried to empathise with the blonde, but in the end were finding their own problems more pressing.

"Today they said we could reside in the social hall." They all looked to Jeno who had given them this information.

"Really?" The eldest asked, finding this weird since they only had two designated socialising day. "That's odd," he mumbled, bringing the chopped apple slice to his lips, cringing at the thought of food but shoving it in at the sight of Donghyuck to his left.

"I know. They said that the recent aggression has been growing, and that we need to socialise more often."

Renjun scoffed at the statement, despising the presence of other humans, and what they all stood for.

"I fucking hate that idea. Seeing them daily is enough to kill me, let alone being stuck in a garden room with them," he huffed, eyes closing with the exhaustion of keeping himself going weighting on his shoulders.

"They'll probably dismiss you to the rooms if you pretend to be ill," Jisung adviced, obviously having done so once upon a time.

This wasn't what they were shocked about though. This was in fact the second or third time they had heard him speak since the fight just a week ago.

"Thanks Sung." Renjun's mean facade fell as he tried hard to appreciate the boy opposite, even if their conditions caused a clash in attitude.

The table fell to a silence once again, all of them eating, some more reluctant to eat the fruit than others.

"So guys," Mark piped up, the five minute silence making him become slightly uncomfortable. "I can't do this anymore." With those words, he felt Donghyuck grip onto his thigh, squeezing it in a succouring way. "Can we please go?"

They all looked at each other, each sharing the same look of 'mission impossible much' written on their faces.

"Guys please give it a chance. We can all get out together!" He exclaimed, trying to keep his voice low so that the eyes on them wouldn't hear.

"And where would we go?" Renjun hissed, standing from his seat. "Our parents sent us here. They don't even want us anymore. At least we're safe here."

"Safe? You think we're safe here?" Mark lowly whisper yelled, eyes darkening at the thought of the lack of safety. "You are bitterly mistaken Renjun. This place will be the fucking death of us," he grumbled, hands slamming against the surface of the table whilst he got to his feet.

Donghyuck felt scared, scared of Mark. What had possessed the boy? He had never yelled....ever!

"We are in need of a change," he continued, eyes closing for a short moment to collect himself. "Please do excuse me." With that he stood, turning away from the shocked boys, trailing to the exit unchallenged.

"I'll go talk to him," Donghyuck rushed, eyes dancing to each person on the table before following the boy out.

It was quite like the scene from a week ago. But in reverse.

They truly were in need of a change....

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