twenty one

370 26 20

Chapter 21: The Change of Heart

The hazel orbs, still slightly glazed over and filled with fear, told Mark that this was the truth.

"What's this all of a sudden?" The older confusedly asked, his hands still interlaced with Donghyuck's as he maintained a steady eye-contact.

Donghyuck became flustered, unsure of how he was supposed to explain himself in this situation. He didn't want to talk to his boyfriend about his mental state. It was an unwritten rule between them that if the other wanted to discuss such conversation, they would be welcome to, but due to the lifestyle they lived, they acted as a safe haven for each other. There was no need to talk about health and hopelessness when they were together.

"It's just..." he trailed off, his words becoming muddled together as he tried to express the emotions that he was processing. "I can't live like this anymore, Mark. I'm going crazy in this, in this..." he stood up, his arms exaggerating the agitation that he was feeling. "This hell!"

The older nodded calmly, hoping that this would settle Donghyuck's rage and hatred that he was experiencing.

"It's alright. We can work with that," Mark mumbled quietly, his heart pounding, but he was unsure as to why it was doing so.

He had been begging them for so long to run away, but here he was, two people on his side and he suddenly felt the need to chicken out of this whole idea.

He shivered as the cold night caught up to him in a rush.

"Let's get you ready for the day, yeah?" He asked quietly while standing up to be opposite his boyfriend.


The pair started to get ready for what they were sure would be another eventful day at the institute.

"Jaem?" An unsure voice called from behind the closed door. Jaemin shuddered as he pushed away the thoughts of a certain Chinese boy who had seemed to be taking up a lot of room in his mind.

He released a soft hum, acknowledging Jeno's presence, and also summoning him into the room.

Sighing deeply, Jeno pressed his body weight against the door, listening as it clicked in a satisfying manner.

He could already feel his head begin to pound as he walked in to see that the blinds were only half pulled.

In a swift motion he lunged forward and pulled them closed, his breath falling from his parted lips as a wave of relief rushed through his body. It made him feel rebellious, even if he was quite the opposite.

"Sorry....It was uneven," he explained while inviting himself to sit by Jaemin's side.

The usually chipper boy was dull and unable to motivate himself as he stared emotionlessly at the boy to his right.

"What's up?" The older quietly whispered, almost flinching at how thick the tension had grown. "Did something happen?"

Jaemin shook his head dismally. His mood was dampened since he had come out of one of his panic attacks and felt genuinely drained.

It was both emotionally and physically exhausting having to experience that as often as the adolescent did.

"It's just one of those days," he mumbled distantly while looking past Jeno, thinking of Renjun more than the boy whom he sat with.

"Tell me about it...I love spending time with you."

If only Jeno knew that he wasn't the thought that occupied the younger's mind.

Little self promo incoming....

I have a new book out *insert thumbs up*  

It's called 'Silver Lining' and it's a Chensung. Give it a look if your interested, and if not I'll see you in the next chapter.

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