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Chapter 7: Night Terrors

Donghyuck lay in bed, petrified by the shadow that stood in the corner of his bedroom.

His breathing picked up in speed, chest tightening with the lack of presence of his most trusted friend.

"Mark!" He yelled, voice getting caught in his throat. It came out as a hushed whisper of fear. "Mark!" This time it came out louder and clearer.

The undrawn curtains let the moon illuminate the basic set up of the room, as well as the fine features of the teen's face.

The man approached him, face unclear, but the sinister chuckle that fell from his lips made Donghyuck scream a bloodcurdling screech.

"Mark please help me," he cried, voice dying down as the man leaned in closer to touch Donghyuck's face gingerly.

His soft touch grazed the younger boy's cheek, the tinted pink flesh burning with such actions.

The figures hand smoothly ran down his side, the low chuckle still intoxicating the air, making what was a human necessity so difficult for young Donghyuck who found himself not breathing.

"Mark! Mark! Mark!" The name was being chanted in the boys state of distraught, his breath still not returning as his vision blurred.

The lack of oxygen was finally getting to his head. He found himself uncaring though. What quality of life was it here? Not very good anyway.

"Get that Mark Lee kid. That'll be the only thing to shut this one up," an exhausted voice chimed, the lack of care not calming Donghyuck's racing heart in the slightest.

"He's right there. The man is trying to hurt me!" He screamed, hands flying up to his tousled sandy coloured hair. The tugs started off soft and scared, but the anger that followed made him rock back and forth -almost psychotically.

The silence that followed his statement made him see that either the nurses didn't care in the slightest that there was a man who retreated to the corner of the room, or they couldn't see him.

His petrified figure became a tense one as the man walked out of the room, waving his gloved hand carelessly as his being left through the frame of the door.

Donghyuck could feel his breathing stabilise slightly, but there was truly one thing that could aid him at that moment.

Mark Lee.

The said boy turned the corner, his brow furrowed, face contorting to a look of displeasure at the sight of so many nurses.

The corrupt asylum held no care for their patients. They treated them inhumanly and wrongly.

Mark could feel his heart sink at the sight of the younger, tears streaming down his pink cheeks as his chapped lips got briefly gazed by his tongue to add the needed moisture.

"Hyuckie?" He mumbled quietly, heart pounding at the sight of the younger. He began to fear that Donghyuck might of heard the pounding.


His voice cracked, fear subsiding at the presence of his friend. He needed Mark now more than ever and as if being blessed by the gods, there the ravenette stood, looking as dashing as always, even if he wore bed wear.

"Hey Hyuck. It's okay now. The man won't get you. I made sure he wasn't in the hallways," Mark quietly started, slowly approaching the trembling teen.

He traced his finger over Donghyuck's cheeks, wiping away the warm tears that continued to cascade so effortlessly.

"I was so scared Mark. He was going to hurt me, and I wanted you to be here," Donghyuck whispered, head falling from the pure exhaustion of having these nightmares so frequently, along with the comforting pounding of the ravenette's steady heartbeat.

"I know you were sweetie. I was scared too, but you handled it well. Look at us now," the older continued, cautiously eyeing the nurses who wore what seemed to be unamused expressions.

Donghyuck nodded meekly, eyes beginning to close, as the exhaustion of what had been a difficult night sunk in.

"Love you Markie," he mumbled, head raising to look the older in the eye before it fell once again. His ear was settled against his chest, listening to the thumping of his heart.

"Love you too Hyuck."

There was a certain pain that swarmed the ravenette's chest at those words. They held so much meaning to him, but what did they mean to Donghyuck?

The blonde's soft breaths calmed, small snores filling the silent room.

Mark couldn't help but notice the small snowflakes outside the window, the only indication of how long he had been here.

Nearly two years.

Two years of hell.

"Mark....It's time to go," one of the nurses called out, still unhappy with the job that had been required that night.

Hesitant to leave the younger, but seeing he was knocked out, Mark carefully placed Donghyuck's head on the pillow, tentatively stepping away from the bed.

"I'll see you in the morning."

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