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Chapter 13: The Confession

"Where are we going Mark?" Donghyuck giggled, hand outstretched whilst being held firmly by Mark who was a few steps ahead.

"You'll see," the ravenette hummed, excitement brimming as they strode through the empty hallways - bar the odd nurse or guard.

Everyone else was at dinner, but the pair had decided to skip and lie in bed together while they exchanged random stories that they had missed over the past days of the miniature fight.

Now Donghyuck was just confused. Mark had been quite excited all evening, and when brought up as a concern, the older boy just led him from his room and dragged him through the hallways.

It was quite fun really, sneaking around and hiding from the nurses who walked the halls. It made both boys feel like kids again as they tiptoed around the corner, eyes wide in fear of being caught not eating.

"Mark!" Donghyuck groaned, no longer satisfied with the secrecy.

He got a quick hush in return, making a pout play on his lips in distaste as he admired Mark's focused face.

"There's a nurse up ahead," he mumbled eyes flicking to Donghyuck.

His furrowed brow lost tension as he met eyes with the younger who sent him looks of adoration.

He set his focus back to the nurse who walked past the door that they were hiding behind. This was the only way to hide the blush that bloomed across his usually pale cheeks.

Mark gave Donghyuck's hand a quick squeeze to reassure himself that this was the right move.

"Ready?" He asked, eyes focusing ahead as they continued through the halls.

"For what Mark? Why are you dragging me through the halls when I could be catching up on my beauty sleep?" He huffed, eyes lidded with pure exhaustion as he made grabby hands with his free hand.

Mark stopped to bring him into a hug, planting a loving kiss onto the top of Donghyuck's head comfortingly.

"You'll see."

With this being said, Mark continued to drag the younger through the empty hallways. There were no more nurses in sight, much to the pairs delight.

As the garden room came into view, Mark covered Donghyuck's eyes, an excited smile gracing his features.

"What are you doing, Markie?" Donghyuck squealed, his hand holding onto Mark's hand that was secured over his eyes.

As curious as he was, Donghyuck couldn't help but let the thrill of sneaking around get to him.

His adrenaline was running high.

This was the craziest thing that he had done since his arrival all that time ago.

"Seriously, Markie. Where are you taking me?" He asked, a smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that as hard as he tried to wipe it from his face, he couldn't do it. It was aching his cheeks with how wide it was.

Mark ignored the younger's question and continued to lead him to the room.

Uncovering his eyes after closing the door behind them, Mark spun Donghyuck around.

Of course the ravenette was unable to alter or jazz up the room at all, but he knew that this was Donghyuck's favourite place, and that the younger wouldn't mind too much.

He was hoping that it was enough to make him happier than he was earlier.

"You know me too well," the younger mumbled, eyes dancing around the humid room, even if the depths of winter had hit.

Mark only hummed in response, heart pounding wildly at what he was about to do.

"Can I ask you something Hyuck?" He asked, hands trembling slightly behind his back.

After receiving an absentminded hum in response, Mark tightened then loosened his grip on his hands a few times before nervously clearing his throat.

"Umm." He looked around the room, noticing the smaller details whilst avoiding all eye contact with the other. "I don't know how you feel," he started, beads of sweat starting to form on his brow while he caught his lip between his teeth. "But ever since I met you, I couldn't help but love your presence. My heart, it would pound so painfully in my chest whenever you were with me, and my head, it was all so muddled when you spoke to me. Lee Donghyuck, I think that I have fallen in love with you, and all I ask for is a chance, a chance to show you that love!"

Mark tried to read his expression, his lip quivering in fear of the rejection that could possibly follow. He was scared that Donghyuck didn't feel the same way, and that made Mark instantly regret his decision to confess.

By the end of his speech, Donghyuck's eyes had become glassy, his chest tightening in anticipation, and his lip trembled as he lunged forward to embrace the raven haired boy in what could only be described as he tightest hug ever.

"You don't know how long I've waited to hear that. Or how many nights I wished you returned what I thought were one sided feelings. I love you too," he quietly said, voice muffled by the material of Mark's shirt. But there was nothing that could trick Mark's ears.

And so, as Donghyuck rested his tears streaked cheek against Mark's shoulder, they danced beneath the hanging flowers.

Their hands interlaced, and the beautiful emotion of love blooming like the flowers in the room they stood in.

But as the pair led such a difficult lifestyle, the love that had bloomed might wither to spite or fear...and only time could tell.

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