twenty nine

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Merry Christmas everyone! Happy to say that there are only five more chapters left after this. I'll give everyone another huge thank you at the end.

Enjoy ~

Chapter 29: When It All Fell Apart

"What the fuck were the pair of you thinking?" The eldest hissed in pure rage as he pointed to Jaemin and Renjun, the latter feeling rather guilty about the whole ordeal. "Do you think that life isn't difficult enough? Hmm? Do you think that for the past few years I've enjoyed sweeping up the non-stop mistakes that you guys make? All of you?"

Renjun looked to the ground, a frown prominent upon his face as he listened to Mark's built-up anger being released after years of being a weak and quaint boy.

"Seriously Mark. I did't-" Jaemin was cut off by the older boy who wasn't looking too impressed by the youngest's passive behaviour.

"I won't say this again boys. I am leaving this hell hole and I don't care who joins me as long as me and my boyfriend make it out without the petty distraction that is your messed up love life. I have tried to mend this sinking ship many a time, but I refuse to allow this to go on."

The room fell to a silence as he looked between the two with a hard gaze.

"Without the pinnacle, Jeno, feel free to tell me now...who are you in love with?" He asked with his hands on his hips.

Immediately, both boys found their eyes drifting away from Mark and towards each other where they lingered in hopes of reading emotion.

Renjun's flicked back to Mark who wore an expectant look whilst narrowing his eyes.

"Me and Jeno are trying to work this out together since we shared," he paused a moment to see Jaemin sighing and rolling his eyes in a childish manner. "a kiss. I love him, and I have for a while, but I feel that since Jaemin has been aiding me since my...spiral of sorts, my feelings that I have for Jeno have almost duplicated for Jaem," he mumbled, struggling to meet eyes with either boys since it wasn't quite a 'normal' situation.

How could he like two boys? It wasn't right.


Marks scoffed at this, glaring at the blonde who seemed unfazed by the harsh look he was receiving.

"Is that all you want to say after Renjun's honesty?" He snarled, stepping closer to the seated boy who was leaning back of his hands while sitting upon the bed, his neck tilted backwards as of he were catching the non-existent sun.

With a swift hum the conversation was cut.

"So..." Mark began, forcing yet another scoff back as he fixed his gaze on Renjun who sheepishly sat in a similar position to his crush but with his eyes astray. "What are you going to do when Jaemin leaves with the rest of us, Renjun?"

At this, the Chinese was boy snapped his head up, face paling as he looked between the two.

"You wouldn't leave," he hissed in the younger's direction. To no avail. Jaemin merely shrugged, attempting to come off unharmed by the devastation that was heartbreak.

"I'm doing what is right for me. Call me selfish, but at least I'm not throwing myself at someone who was clueless to your self-destructive attitude. I was the one who picked you up and helped, and you still chose him!"

There wasn't any anger entwined with those words but instead a guilting feeling of betrayal that he thrusted upon poor Renjun who was truly trying to patch up this argument swiftly.

"I'm sorry. What more can I say or do to convince you that what we share is real! I love you too." The brunette shuffled closer to Jaemin.

"I'm still leaving. You coming or not?" He quietly mumbled while messing with some in unbrushed strands of hair that awkwardly lay across his forehead.

"I-I can't."

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