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Chapter 12: Small Steps

Jaemin trailed towards the taunting door with the word 'THERAPY' written on it.

He truly did hate this time of the day. The therapist was one of the nicest staff members, but he still didn't trust anyone here. How was he meant to when he was here for a serious issue that needed solving, yet it seemed to be getting increasingly worse.

He knocked on the door hesitantly, pushing it open once hearing a soft 'come in' from within.

"Good morning Jaemin. How have you been since," she paused a moment, looking through the files quickly. "two days ago?" She asked, brow raised in question.

"I've been fine, thanks." He walked reluctantly over to the therapist, having not made the effort to remember her name. "Can we just get this over with?" He mumbled, eyes drifting to the floor as he listened to her soft breathing.

"As you wish Jaemin." And so, as they sat opposite each other, the questions started rolling.

"How have you been feeling recently?" She quietly questioned, glasses sitting in the end of her nose as she looked down at him intimidatingly.


"Have you been taking your medication?" She continued, not bothering to dwell too much on his reluctance to speak. She wanted to give him space and time.

"Well if you count nurses shoving it down our throats as taking meds, then yes," he muttered angrily, not wanting to stay in the room any longer. It was all so suffocating.

Not once had he or any of his friends talked about how they felt. They couldn't ever know where that information would end up, and never knew what would happen if the higher ups found out of their lack of progress.

"Well then Jaemin. I'll have a chat with the nurses, and see if they'll work a little nicer. But all that this company asks for in return is cooperation. Can you give that?"

Jaemin nodded, knowing that anything else would be taken as attitude and difficulty.

It made him sick.

He was rotting away in this hell, with his head just above the water.

Where was his family? And why didn't they visit him anymore?

There were so many things that felt wrong with his life, yet he couldn't help but feel that there were others in worse situations.

The questions continued, all as bloody pointless as the last. He truly felt trapped. Trapped in his body, trapped in his mind, and overall, trapped in this hell hole.

"Well Jaemin, I'll see you on Friday." The woman stood, holding her hand out for him to take, but he couldn't bring it in him to touch it.

Oh how he hated what that disgusting human touch would feel like.

It was the other six boys or no one.

"Thanks for your time," she muttered, retracting her hand to led him from the room.

And so therapy ended.


"Hyuck?" The ravenette quietly questioned, head peeping around the corner of the room to see Donghyuck cuddled up cutely in his blankets.

They were wrapped around him like a cocoon, while they draped over his head, making him look so much smaller than he was.

He hummed in response to Mark, eyes flicking to the older expectantly.

"I'm so sorry. I felt so awful about what happened, but Jeno said to give you time," he pleaded, no longer being able to distance himself from his best friend.

With each step he took towards Donghyuck, the clammier his palms became with the unvoiced nerves that he felt since the argument with Renjun.

He was so scared of this beautiful friendship being ruined by a moment of weakness.

"It's fine. I'm over it anyway. Just tired," the younger mumbled, hands resting against his cheeks as he propped himself up.

He turned his full attention to Mark, eyes examining each part of his body with caution. He felt his chest tighten when he met eyes with the older boy.

"I missed you." Mark let out a relieved sigh at his words, happy to know that the younger was a quick forgiver.

"I missed you too." Marks voice cracked a little, eyes drifting around the room. The room that he spent his full days in, yet he hadn't been here in what felt like ages, even if it was a day or two.

"Do you want to stay for the evening? I'm not hungry either," Donghyuck hummed, voice settling the tension as he stuck his hands out of the blankets to hug Mark.

"I'd love to."

Mark leaned in to envelope the younger a hug, eyes glistening with I fallen tears as he inhaled the scent he had missed.

He was in too deep...

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