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Chapter 18: Forever Hold Your Silence

Mark's patience was waning as he sat opposite Chenle, a warning expression taking over his face as he tapped his foot against the ground repeatedly, while he leaned back on his hand.

"Come on," he pushed, his voice becoming frustrated as he begged the younger for the answers to the many if the questions he had. "What was all of that about?"

Chenle gulped while looking around the bland room nervously. His mind working double time to make up something, just anything would do.

He was desperate to share this information with someone, but it was about Donghyuck, and he knew that Mark wasn't the right person to tell at that moment.

He swallowed the with great difficulty, his throat feeling dry as he did so.

What was he meant to say to him?

His breath hitched when Mark leaned in closer, inspecting Chenle's eyes with curiosity.

"What are you hiding?" He whispered, his voice slightly raspy as he said this.

There was another moment of silence where Chenle held his breath, wanting nothing more than for the Earth to swallow him whole.

"I wanna leave with you."

Mark flew back, his eyes widening at the younger's words.

"And what changed your mind so quickly? Hmmm? 'Cause last time I checked everyone attacked me for suggesting-"

"They're plotting something against Donghyuck, and I don't want to lose him or anyone else!" Chenle screamed, his hand coming up to cover his mouth only seconds after releasing what he had tried so hard to conceal for the past few minutes of the interrogation.

He looked around the room again, almost expecting a nurse to come in and take him away right then and there for his lack of secrecy and his eavesdropping, but when no one came he let his eyes trail reluctantly back to Mark who sat wide-eyed.

"They what?" His voice was weak, and their was pain clear in it as he leaned forward again. "You're lying, Lele. You must be."

When there was a shake of the head in denial, Mark found himself tearing up.

But he knew better then to cry in front of others, because it had proven to be of no use up until now.

"Well then Chenle, I guess we have to convince the others to come with us. I won't let them take him....any of us. I won't allow it."

"Promise?" Chenle asked while holding his pinky finger out for confirmation. A swell of hope rose in his chest as Mark linked his finger with the other's.

"I promise."

"And who said that I was lying?" Jisung challenged while holding the other boy by the collar aggressively.

"Because we all know that your family didn't want a pathological liar in the house...That's exactly why you-" he was cut off by a quick punch the the jaw.

The boy, who Jisung didn't know very well, doubled over in shock, his eyes widening as he looked up at Jisung in shock.

"You little!" He charged at the pinkette, his fist raised as he came closer to the boy.

Jisung merely side-stepped the attack and released a low chuckle as the other boy charge full force at the wall, not having time to stop the attack.

A thump resonated in the room, but Jisung barely flinched and instead dove his hands into his pickets and strolled away from the older boy.

"And your family didn't want a useless piece of shit."

Hey guys. I am so so so so so so sorry that this took so long. I feel awful 😔...... BUT! 😯 I don't plan on leaving this book for that amount of time again.

I have just finished writing out the final chapters of my other book 'Shattered Glass' and although I have like....*does quick math* three other books, I plan on focusing a bit more on this one 🥳

Okay, well this chapter was the biggest lump of shite that I have ever read, so do excuse both that and my language a moment ago. 😔

I'll see you guys soon 👋


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