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Chapter 2: Canteen Commotion     

Arriving at the canteen had never been more terrifying for the two teens who had been scared that the second oldest in their group would have a fit over their deplorable behaviour, such as their punctuality to get to the canteen.

It was always what set off one of his moods. Or other times it would be the simple comment on how he looked, be it good or bad. You could never predict what he would be like.

As they entered the canteen area, they noticed their friends immediately. Chenle was waving happily like a little child while Jisung rolled his eyes at the older boy's actions, thinking that it was 'uncool'.

Jaemin and Donghyuck were deep in conversation while Renjun looked Mark dead in the eye. This alone made the ravenette nearly wet himself.

To his surprise though, a small smile fell upon Renjun's face as he confirmed that he was in fact messing with the pair, and that he was having one of his unusual 'ups'.

"Thank the lord," Jeno muttered before pushing past Mark while releasing the most relieved sigh that the older had ever heard.

The ravenette followed the taller, trailing towards the nearly full table of teenagers.

The canteen was practically full, the hushed murmurs of other young kids and teenager's - who were in similar situations to the group of seven - was laced throughout the large eating area.

Mark and Jeno squeezed past the other people, becoming quite claustrophobic as they did so.

Mark took notice to the tense form of the brunette, who was walking in front of him. He seemed uptight and scared, though he always was.

"Jeno?" He called out firmly, his morning voice finally settling and leaving him with a steady and firm tone. "Are you okay?" He asked, watching closely as the younger shook his head vigorously.

The younger was visibly holding his breath.

"Breathe child," Mark hissed, nearly laughing at the state of his friend, had it not been a serious issue.

Releasing another sigh as the crowd lessened, Jeno turned to face the ravenette. A small and weak smile etched onto his relieved face.

"Sorry Mark. I was a bit panicked there. You know me and those big crowds," Jeno explained, though the elder of the two already knew this, having befriended the brunette a little less than a year ago.

"Feeling better?" He asked cautiously, not wanting to upset the younger any more than he already was.

Jeno looked around slightly, the dense crowds making his breath hitch momentarily, before letting his gaze settle back into his friend.

"I'm okay. I could do with some food though. My tummy is having a party without me!" He joked, gripping onto Mark's hand and dragging him to the food.

Grabbing a tray for them both, Jeno placed one in Mark's free hand, releasing the one that he had a grip on, much to the younger's dismay.

"Hi there Jeno, Mark. Have a good night boys?" The friendly canteen lady asked, leaning forward and placing a plastic bowl of food onto the boys trays. The bowl contained porridge. The liquid substance that held the odd lump, made Mark's stomach churn in disgust.

"A great one, thank you," Jeno replied, glancing at the ravenette, expecting the older to answer.

"A great night too. Thanks for asking." He kept it short while he turned his gaze back to the food that was on his tray. He felt his lip curl in distaste while vaguely listening the Jeno rephrase his sentence a few times.

"That's good to hear. There are your juices," she continued, ignoring the brunette's attempt to fix his words, and placing a plastic cup of orange juice beside the sad excuse of food.

With quick farewells, the pair left the canteen lady, who had already started to serve the next people.

The pushed through the suffocating crowds again, to join their group of friends who were waiting patiently for them.

"Morning everyone!" Jeno had always been a morning person, something that they were all envious of.

This was followed by a chorus of "Mornings" from the group of unenthusiastic friends who had all but finished eating their food, except for Mark and Jeno of course.

Mark took a seat between Jisung and Donghyuck. Displeased with the closeness, the youngest of the three groaned when his personal space bubble had been popped.

Jeno, on the other hand, took a seat beside Jaemin and Renjun who gave him a good morning hug.

"So Mark, what happened when the b-" Chenle was cut off by a loud shout from the other side of the canteen. The seven boys let their gazes follow the unexpected noise made by one of the other patients.

"What the hell was that?" Jisung hissed, plugging his ears with his fingers since he was quite sensitive to loud noises.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?" The voice boomed again. The group caught a glimpse of a tall Asian boy, a little older than themselves, holding another boy by the collar.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," the smaller patient mumbled, gaze fixed on the floor as he apologised to the taller.

"WHAT DO YOU ME-" he was cut off by a very familiar voice.

"Shut up!" Jisung screamed, taking the whole canteen by surprise. This caused the angered male to drop his victim and come sauntering over to the group of seven boys while wearing a tough expression.

"What did you say to me?" His voice was deep, but it only got deeper when he set eyes on the Jisung who had yelled at him.

"I said that you should shut up, because not everybody cares about your life." Jisung sighed contently, looking away from the older boy and turning to face Chenle who was trying to not get involved.

The giant man didn't stop at that though. He leaned forward and gripped onto Chenle's shirt, pulling the innocent teen forward and inspecting him.

"Get your filthy hands off of him." A growl followed that statement as the pinkette stood up, fingers digging into the wooden surface. "Now!"

The older boy didn't listen, and only pulled the Chenle closer to him, finding it amusing when Jisung's anger hit its peak.

"I knew your mother really well before I got here!" At this the taller flinched, dropping Chenle who curled into Mark's side while trembling. "I can tell her to visit you. Is that what you want?"

The other boy shook his head vigorously, taking tentative steps backwards, fear evident in the nervous glances he sent people around the room that had their focus on the dramatic scene that had unfolded.

Jisung turned to Chenle, his anger subsiding the moment he saw a small smile on the elder boy's face.

"Sorry Lele," he muttered, carding his hand through the smaller boy's hair fondly while the rest of the group looked at him, heads tilted in question.

"It was a lie guys, calm down," the pinkette muttered, looking down at the boy who was now sprawled across his lap.

"It always is, isn't it?"

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