twenty eight

331 26 13

Chapter 28: Falling Apart at The Seams

Mark's hands were laced with Donghyuck's hair as he tilted his head to the side to deepen their kiss.
The younger sat upon Mark's lap, straddling him with his arms looped behind the other's neck.

The younger pulled at Mark's shirt, unbuttoning it whilst refusing to break the kiss.

His breath was running short, but the sensation of the older's lips against his was just too addictive to give up.

Mark rolled his shoulders, causing the shirt to fall off in a swift movement. Without sparing anytime, he flipped them around so the he was now caging Donghyuck against the bed, pulling back to admire his boyfriend who was reduced to a gasping mess beneath him.

He lowered his bare chest back onto Donghyuck's, trailing wet kisses down the younger's collarbones and to his chest. Hickeys lined where Mark's lips once settled.

With one hand over his mouth, Hyuck released muffled moans as the pleasant pleasure shot through his body euphorically.

"Mark," he mewled, breath hitching as the older sucked yet another mark onto his once clear skin.

Heaving noises made the pair pull apart in a swift manner, Donghyuck groaning at the loss of warmth as Mark rolled off the bed, landing on his rear with a thud.

"Get a room!" The youngest yelled, still dry-heaving in disgust as he watched his two friends do nasty things.

"This is my room, Jisung. What the fuck do you want?!" Donghyuck yelled while throwing his legs over the side of the bed, his hands covering his chest in embarrassment as his cheeks glowed an unhealthy red in humiliation.

"I-I...You know what?" He quietly said, eyes flicking between the pair before he let a small 'eww' fall from his mouth. "I don't know if I want to-"

"What the fuck do you want?" He repeated, this time calmer than before as he watched the younger twiddle his thumbs.

"I asked Lele out...he said 'yes'!" Jisung shrieked whilst jumping around childishly.

"Well done," Donghyuck smiled, standing from the bed and trailing over to one of his closest friend's ignoring the fact that he was only wearing pants.

He leaned forward, embracing the younger in a warm hug, ignoring the comments that the taller made of what he had walked in on.

"I won't do those disgusting things with Chenle," he murmured, eliciting a small chuckle from Mark who pulled himself up from the floor.

"I think that Chenle's gonna' be the one in charge, Ji."

Jisung shook his head in refusal, his mind darting to imagine doing with Chenle what he had walked in on.

"I won't allow it," he continued, grasping onto Donghyuck's hand with little-to-no force being applied.

"Canteen to celebrate?"

"So..." Renjun awkwardly added to the lacking conversation. "Are we just going to sit around a table and stare at each other?" He quietly questioned while poking at the food in front of him.

Mark cringed at the sight of the grotesque food, his gut churning at the thought of having to stomach such...gloop?

He felt an encouraging squeeze on his thigh, one that, of course, belonged to his boyfriend.

He face the blonde a sweet - forced- smile, noticing the lack of belief that littered the younger's face.

Deciding not to push it, he shifted his attention to the new couple who sat side-by-side, cooing at each other disgustingly.

"So, Chenle," Donghyuck started, leaning closer to the younger to see the blush he had developed upon being called out. "Your a taken man?"

With a meek nod, Chenle grasped tighter onto the pinkette's hand, swirling his thumb over it to comfort himself.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" A different voice screamed.

The attention of the whole canteen fell upon the table, watching as Jaemin slammed his hands down on the table, the thud making the room shake.

His face became red. Unlike Chenle's colouring, it was of pure rage.

Renjun immediately dropped Jeno's hand in panic, his chest tightening in fear as he saw the killer look that Jaemin sent him.

The betrayal that glistened in the younger's hardened orbs nearly killed Renjun.

Jeno's breathing already picked up exponentially, his anxiety controlling his shaky movements.

"Jaemin! Stop it, you're scaring him!" Donghyuck yelled, holding onto the others shoulders to try to stop him from terrifying both boys.

"I don't care," he whispered while shrugging off the other's hands, approaching the cowering boys. "Did you do it to hurt me, Jun? Hmm? You knew I was there, didn't you?"

The Chinese merely shook under the taller's intense gaze, heart sinking as his fears were confirmed. They were the reason that Jaemin had tried to take his own life during a PTSD attack.

"I didn't mean to hu-"

"Does the fact that I was the only one who noticed that you needed help matter? Did the countless nights of me helping you not matter? Did my rants of the immense love I had for him not matter?!" He yelled, tears beginning brim at the corner of his eyes as the sad realisation that he had indeed fallen for his competition, and had not yet let go of how much he loved Jeno whilst he hopelessly fell for Renjun.

"It did matter, Jaem. It mattered so much. I promise you that."

Renjun stood, placing Jeno's hand in Chenle's, hoping that the second youngest would care for the panicking boy.

"It-I don't know Jaemin. It just happened. I can't explain this though," he insisted, his words getting caught in his throat as he tried to explain himself but found it more difficult than expected.

"Guys! Don't fight here. The pair of you fuck off to either of your rooms. I'll be down after I calm Jeno down," Mark hissed, standing up, placing a chaste kiss on Donghyuck's temple before pointing to the door where Renjun dragged Jaemin to.

This was an absolute disaster!

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