thirty two

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Double update today :)

Make sure that you read the other one so that everything makes sense. There will be two updates tomorrow to since there are only a couple of chapters left ;)

Enjoy ~

Chapter 32: Spark

Mark's attempt to locate the nurse who had taken Donghyuck away had ultimately failed. Of course this was a bit if a set back in his plan of up and leaving, yet he still knew the promise he had made to each of the boys he stood before.

"Renjun, Jeno, I'm aware you aren't coming with us. But we need your help," he quietly said, nervously watching the door of his bedroom.

Both shared a look with each their before nodding, knowing that if their friends were to pull this off, they would need the eat chance possible.

"We need to find Hyuck. I have a terrible feeling about that hires taking him, and he still has t returned after hours. You need to be distraction at all times if any nurses or doctors stop you," he continued, eyes delving deep into Jeno's eyes, seeing how the younger was internally crippling.

Still the brunette nodded, eyes dancing away from how unsatisfying the creases in the older's shirt was.

"No problem."

With one last reassuring nod, Mark flicked his gaze over the Renjun who repeated what his boyfriend had said.

"Alright...Is everyone ready to put this plan into action?" He questioned, receiving mumbled responses from each boy as they stood from the bed they all sat upon.

Jaemin glanced at the pair's interlocked hands jealously, a scowl evident on his face as he saw the small smiles the pair wore as they met eyes.

Of course he was the one to be left out. It had always been that way in every step of his life.

"Can we just leave?" The blonde hissed, not really desiring to linger in their lovey-dovey aura. It made him sick..

"Someone is suddenly eager to leave," Renjun mumbled lowly, finding that the younger's rudeness quite irritating. "Why's that?" He questioned, eyes narrowing at the ignorant teen opposite him.

"Because you disgust me, Renjun. I hate you," he mumbled before letting his eyes fall to a nervous Jeno who fiddled with his hands to distract himself from the fight. "And you."

"To be fair, Jaem, he didn't know!" Renjun yelled, his voice holding an expression of urgency. "He was blissfully unaware of our little competition for years. He was also unaware of our feelings recently, for ea-"

"Shut up!" The younger yelled, standing up straight from leaning on the wall on his lonesome. "You know nothing about me. I poured my heart out to you, and you betrayed me. What about our little deal? Did you tell your boyfriend about that?"

"What deal, Jun?" Jeno innocently asked with a slight tilt of the head.

"It-It doesn't matter."

"Oh but it does, Jun!" Jaemin continued, eyes squinted, anger flickering in them. "Because you told me that you had started liking me, and that because we knew of our not so secretive crushes we had on Lee Jeno, that neither of us would act on it."

"What the fuck Jaemin? Why would you say tha-"

"Because it's the truth, Huang. You and I said that last week, yet there I was, looking for you, only to find you and Jeno kissing! Do you know how much that hurt? Put the attack I had aside, the thoughts of someone I trusted going behind my back and breaking a promise hurts, Renjun. It hurts!"

Tears had started to fall from the blonde's eyes as he clutched his chest, feeling the agonising twinge of betrayal.

He glanced to Jeno who hung his head low in shame. Heck, it wasn't even his fault since he had been too oblivious to see the love heart eyes that followed him, nor had he been enlightened on the deal that the pair had made.

Jaemin then set his focus to Chenle and Jisung who both watched them with sad looks. How had things gone so wrong in a matter of a few days? The constant fights were only going to slow down the escape, but they all knew that Mark was letting them sort it out, for once Jaemin left with them, all the unsaid words would weigh over his head for the years to come.

Mark still tapped his foot, knowing that although sorting out this argument was important, the dread he felt for the safety of his boyfriend was strong as hell.

"Do you even love me?" One could only describe Jaemin's voice as a begging tone, as if this was his last straw and the wrong answer could result in a mental breakdown.

"Of course I do, Jaem. I told you this earlier. You helping me was a bonding experience. I felt things for you that was not there for the years I have known you. There's no denying that..."

"Then why am I never enough for either of you? I love you both so much, and all I am is a third wheel...again," he whispered, eyes saddening with a glassy look as tears kept falling.

"Please stay," Jeno whispered, raising his head to see a teary-eyed Jaemin looking back at him desperately. "We can figure this all out, Jaem. Please stay here with the two of us."

The younger could only shake his head dismally.

"Why can't you come with us and leave! This place is a prison. It's going to be your deathbed if you don't get out!" He begged, looking between the pair in hopes of their agreement.

"I can't. We'll die if we get caught, and I'm sorry guys, but I don't want to die."

"But you'll die in here, be it from their punishments or the sheer depression of being stuck in here without any privacy or life," Jaemin pleaded.

"Sorry, Jaem," Jeno added, standing up and trailing towards the younger. "But it's a risk that I'm not willing to take. But can you at least settle me and Renjun's mind?"

Jaemin nodded gently, feeling all the anger disperse as he saw how genuine both were being.

"Can you tell us that you forgive us, and can we have your blessing to date?" Renjun added while standing beside Jeno and in front of Jaemin who was simply relieved.

"Of course. But when we meet in the future, as I feel we will, may I join you again?" The blonde whispered, hand outstretched.

Renjun and Jeno exchanged a look before holding his hand.

"We'd love that."

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