thirty three

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Chapter 33: Goodbye My Friends

With a resolve to a long going argument, all the boys could finally work in harmony to get their friend and leave once and for all.

The first distraction was needed when a nurse approached them, asking them where they were going. Renjun told him he was feeling ill after breakfast, and proceeded to heave which scared the man away, him yelling 'go to sick bay' while hurrying into the distance.

This of course, made each of the boys cackle.

With an end in sight, Mark grabbed Jeno's hand, whispering instructions as they entered a hallway which was densely populated with nurses and doctors who were mingling and chatting while collecting medication.

"What do we do when they go to our rooms to give us our medicine? I mean they're going to see that the seven of us are missing? That will set them in high alert," Renjun mumbled by Jaemin's side, seeing the younger start to panic.

"Shit," he hissed, knowing that Renjun was right. "What can we do to slow them down? I mean, there's no way that we'll get Hyuck in time."

"I've got an idea," Renjun chuckled. "I'm fucked."

"Wait what are you going to-"

"Love you guys. Now run as quick as you can. I'm sure that we'll meet again someday!"

Without warning Renjun ran around the corner, sprinting at the group of nurses and shoving them aside while they were stunned.

"This retard," Jaemin grumbled, about to run and help him but was stopped by Jeno who shook his head.

"He's doing this for you guys. Let's go!" Jeno dragged Jaemin who was watching Renjun throw the trolleys of medication to the ground with an evil smile.

"Fucking brat!" A man yelled, trying to grab a hold of the violent teen. Renjun was one satanic boy when things didn't go his way, and everyone knew that the poor man had no chance.

"Good luck," he whispered to himself, eyes teary as he saw the backs of his two lovers disappear behind the wall. "May God bless your souls."

He tore his gaze away from where the boys once were to the nurses who were starting to get themselves together.

"Come catch me you sick bastards."

"Do you think he's okay?" Chenle whispered as he clung to Jisung desperately.

"It's Renjun. Lord pray for those bitches, I mean they don't stand a chance," Jisung replied with a giggle.

"I'll take care of him anyway," Jeno called back to the pair who walked slightly behind him, Jaemin and Mark. "He'll be fine."

Chenle hummed, eyes flicking around their surroundings. He had only been in this wing of the institute a very few times.

"Do you even know where the sick bay is?" Jisung called up, seeing Mark nod in return.

"Hyuck took me there once when I collapsed a few months back. I can kind of remember the way back to my room."

They continued in silence, slightly weary of the lack of staff for minutes now.

No noise filled the halls, and although that should have relieved them, it only made them even more eager to get out.

"Kay, it should be up ahead now," Mark whispered, poking his head around the corner but immediately throwing it back upon seeing two men standing outside the room.

One was a tall and very attractive man with round-rimmed glasses and a long, white coat. The other was middle-aged. His hair was silver and his stature broad, carrying a bit of weight one might say.

They were conversing in a hushed manner, eyes darting around nervously, clearly doing something highly illegal.

"Fuck," Mark whispered harshly, looking over to the confused boys. "Two men are standing in front of the door. What do we do now?"

Jeno sighed. His mind was screaming at him words such as 'Stop being anxious. Now is not the time' and ' Renjun just through himself at people to save their lives. Do the same' and so, Jeno poked his head around the corner, one thing catching his eyes as he did so.

"Here goes nothing," he whispered. His breathing was all over the place, and his chest was moving up and down in an anxious manner. He turned to Mark, wrapping his arms around him and squeezing the life from him. "Thank you so much Mark. I'll see you soon. The seven of us will be united again some day."

Mark simply tilted his head, not knowing what Jeno's weird but wonderful plan would be.

Jeno then lunged at Jaemin, lips capturing the younger's in a sweet, yet hasty kiss. Tears fell from his eyes as he pulled away, embracing a very stunned and unprepared Jaemin.

"I love you Jaem. See you soon," he whispered, placing another kiss on his lips before turning to the younger two.

The pair would usually gag at intimate scenes as they always did with Mark and Donghyuck, but a feeling of a tragic love story made them quiet as they watched the pair sadly.

"And you two rascals," he chuckled, ruffling their hair and leaning between the two hug them. "Take care of each other. Okay? I don't know what I'd do if my baby brothers got hurt."

Both nodded, unable to structure their sentences as they looked at Jeno for what they assumed would be the last time.

With one last eye-smile to each of them, Jeno walked out to the hallway.

"Fuck this," he whispered, blowing them a kiss before walking up to the two oblivious doctors.

"Hey, Kid!" The shorter one yelled, approaching a clearly anxious and terrified Jeno.

"Stay strong," he assured himself, walking straight past the confused man and pulling down on the fire alarm, flinching when the loud siren rang throughout the building and the sprinkler system kicked in, showering down on everyone.

He ran as fast as his feet would take him, ignoring the yells and shouts from the two men following him.

"They'll be the death of me," Jeno chuckled, thinking of the beautiful yet tragic memories that the group of seven friends had made. "This was all for you guys," he whispered, starting to slide on the soaking floors to turn the corner. "It's all up to you now!"

"Jaemin? You coming?" Mark asked, turning back to the heart broken younger who felt tears build up in his eyes. "Come here," Mark whispered, pulling the blonde in for a hug, trying to calm him down as he hiccuped out sobs.

"Why does love hurt?" He whined, tears soaking Mark's white attire.

"They did this for you, Jaem. For all of us. To make this all worth it, let's grab Hyuck, yeah?"

Jaemin nodded, sending a glance to Chenle and Jisung who stood guarding the door as Mark through it open. He sniffled again before trailing into the sickbay behind Mark.


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