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Chapter 10: On My Mind

Donghyuck had stayed in Chenle's room for as long as possible, not wanting to go to his own room. He didn't like being alone, and if the man came back, he was worried Mark wouldn't be there to help him.

He was afraid of Mark leaving him. This whole idea of breaking out, it wasn't possible and Donghyuck knew that clearly. No condition could shadow that.

Mark, on the other hand, seemed to think it was possible, and the younger found no comfort in the thought of a certain ravenette escaping and leaving him here, with the old fashioned methods of 'fixing' what's 'broken'.

He couldn't bare it.

The painfully chilly night passed by, none of the boys sleeping right, each for their own reasons that somehow linked.

Jaemin couldn't help but worry about Donghyuck, and how the older was doing, while Jeno sat and listened to Jaemin's concerns in the late hours, and took them to heart as he retired to his own room.

Mark felt a pit of hopelessness grow in his stomach as he thought of the harm he had caused in his relationship with both Renjun and Donghyuck.

Jisung was scared to sleep, as he usually was. He had one eye open at all times, prepared for the worst.

Donghyuck still felt the guilt and concern for the fight that had occurred earlier, while Renjun couldn't help but melt under the thought of Mark hating him.

And Chenle? His mind was already racing with ways to get the group to unite as one again.

This was a cruel world that they lived in, and god forbid such circumstances would tear what had started as a strong relationship apart.

Chenle was adamant becoming a united front.

And so as the chilled winter air swirled gracefully throughout the hospital, the seven boys each reflected on the day that had just passed, and prepared for the next one which would undoubtedly be equally as eventful.

The chirping of the birds from outside the window woke Chenle from the short and unfulfilling slumber that he had gotten.

Groaning at the bright stream of sun that leaked through the curtains, the teenager sat up, mind hazy and slightly fuzzy due to lack of sleep.

"Oh is you're finally awake?" Chenle jumped, but soon relaxed once seeing Jisung leaning against frame of the open door.

"And what have I done to have the pleasure of your presence?" The older grumbled, voice deep and rough from having just awoken.

"Nothing much," the pinkette started, sighing deeply while stepping away from the frame to stand straight again. "I just wanted to come and get you before we go see Donghyuck. I know that he and Mark wait on each other, but I'm sorta confused by yesterday," he mumbled, gaze briefly falling upon the shorter before he tore it away.

Jisung could already feel the blush start to crawl up his cheek while doing so.

"Well then, let's go and see Hyuck shall we?" Chenle butted in, noticing the younger's retreating figure.

"Sure thing."

Renjun sat in the bathroom, back against the locked door as he held his head in his hands, tugging on his locks of chocolate brown hair roughly.

A steady stream of tears cascaded down his tinted pink cheeks. Unlike the emotion of love that caused the blush for Jisung, his blush was caused from his quickened breathing.

It was all so hard.

Had he just ruined everything? It was a thought that had been on his mind since he had cooled down from the fight. Renjun had been in that very position for many hours, since before the sunrise anyway.

He was the second eldest, and he was strong-headed, and non-sappy one of the group. He needed to get himself together and act as if the fight did nothing to him.

Bringing his sweater paw up to his face, the brunette wiped away the stray tears, choking on air a few times before he could fully push the lump down his throat.

Renjun's chest, which once felt constricted, became clearer,- and it made the task of breathing ten times easier.

He just needed to get out of his own mind and once again put up the act as a strong young man.

"Renjun?" A curious voice called from his joint bedroom.

It was Jaemin. No doubt about it.

"Coming. Give me a moment," he called out as a reply, standing up again to check there were no signs of crying left on his face.

Once giving it the all okay, he stepped out of the bathroom, only to be met with the guy that had stolen his crushes interest.

He didn't hold much against Jaemin, but the fact that his love for Jeno was being challenged by the younger was enough to make the Chinese boy feel anger.

Not now of course, for all he truly felt was immense emotional pain.

"What's wrong Junnie?" The younger asked hesitantly, hand reaching out to massage Renjun's shoulder, but he retracted it, not knowing if it was the right thing to do.

"Can I just hug you for a moment?"

So I know this wasn't a 'fun' chapter...But are they ever?

*breathes in and out* here we go. Shameless self promo ahead...
I just published another dream fic called 'Golden Touch' it's a Jisungie UwU

If interested, do check it out. If not, then I'll see you tomorrow for the next update of this....

Thanks for reading 😘

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