Chapter 3

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Avi's pov: What should I do now. I have a feelings for him but I can't confess
Sid: Okay bye Babygirl love you love take care
Avi: Okay bye (End Message conversations) (In sid's room. Sid was thinking something when abhi came in room)
Abhi: What happened bro? Why are you looking tensed ?
Sid: No dada nothing
Abhi: Chote you know nah we aren't only brothers but also best friends. So tell me
Sid: Dada actually I love someone and she also loves me but she isn't confessing her feelings. I challenged her that within 15days she will confess
Abhi: Oh ho! Chote ko pyar ho gaya hain. Do one thing ignore her and don't talk with her for some days
Sid: Waah!!! Dada. Aapki bhi koi hain kya?
Abhi: No filhal main study me busy hoon You know nah I am in 12th
Sid: Okay. Okay
Abhi: Okay. Listen tomorrow we have to with mumma papa for business party.
Sid: Okay dada
Sid's pov: Be ready babygirl.
Abhi: Gn chote (All drift in sleep. Next morning. Avi woke up and message to sid Gm. And after doing morning chore she left for college with anu. While going she was continuously looking in phone for sid's reply)
Anu: What happen jaan why are looking in phone continuously
Avi: Nothing.
Anu: Tell nah. After all we are best friends
Avi: Actually yesterday sid proposed me
Anu: Wow!! Congratulations jaan. You are also in relation.
Avi: No. I said no
Anu: Silly girl. Why you said no. You are also in love with him.
Avi: Yeah. But see nah from morning he isn't replying
Anu: let's go to college will discuss about this later
(After college. Avi and anu was standing near gate waiting for Ri)
Anu: Jaan I am going with Ri for movie. You have to go home alone
Avi: No issues jaan enjoy.  And don't worry. I will tell your mom that you are in class for mam's help
Anu: Thank you jaan bye
(Ri and Sid came and Anu left. Ari came near Avi)
Ari: Hey why you are going alone? Where is your friend?
Avi's pov:  What to do now? If she came to know about truth. It will be a big issue for me and anu as well (Before Avi could say Anu came)
Anu: I Ari. Who said Avi is going home alone? We are going together
Ari: Okay girls bye (Ari left)
Avi: Thank god jaan you came on time. See nah sid isn't replying me
Anu: Don't worry jaan. Now I am going
Avi: Bye tc (In evening. At Avi's home. She again texted sid)
Avi: Yaar sid please reply nah
SA: Avi beta have dinner
Avi: No Mumma I am not hungry. Don't want to eat
SA: Beta what happened? In morning also you didn't ate breakfast. You said you had lunch in college. Now also you aren't eating.
Avi: Ma I am okay. Don't worry (She went in room. Started crying and drift to sleep. At Sid's home)
Sid: Dada we are leaving for party but till now I am ignoring her. Is she will be fine?
Abhi: Yes chote. She met you in college nah. How was she?
Sid: She was happy in college. I saw her she was talking with her cousin.
Abhi: Means she is fine. So don't worry. Let's go (They both went for party)
(At 2.30 they came back home. Sid opened her phone and saw 50messages was their from avi)
Sid: Dada see 50 messages from her. May be she is not well
Abhi: Chote don't worry. Tomorrow morning call her and talk with her
Sid: Okay. (Sid and abhi also drift to sleep. Next morning at 7.30. Avi's phone was ringing with unknown number. She received call) (Call conversation)
??: Good morning princess
Avi: Who's this?
??: I am Sid. You didn't save mine number?
Avi: No.
Sid: What happened? Are you okay? You sounding low?
Avi: Nothing. Why you aren't replying me?
Sid: Actually I was busy yesterday. Now get up. Be ready and call me. Waiting for your call

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