Chapter 17

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(After dinner. Avi and sid were talking on call. Jay enter in Avi's room without knock. Avi's phone is in her hand on her ear)

Jai: Baby with whom you are talking?
Avi: Baby have some manners

(Call conversation)
Sid: What happened Babygirl?
(Call paused)

Jai: Oh ho!! Baby is talking with her boyfriend
Avi: Baby shut up and get out of my room
Jai: Bhootni let me talk with him
Avi: Bhoot get out or else

(Call resume)
Sid: Wait wait!! Baby se bhoot and bhootni? What's this?
Avi to sid: Wait on call will talk with you. First let me handle this bhoot
(Call pause)

Jai: Oh ho! Jijaji
Avi: Get out bhoot or else I will text your reemu that you are out with someone for date
Jai: Hawww!! I will video call her. Then she will trust me bhootni
Avi: Get out nah bhoot

(Call Resume)
Sid (Teasing): Wow!! What a cat fight
Avi to sid: Yaar please keep quite
(Sid laughing on another side of call)
(Call pause)

AU (Shouts from living room): Jai don't disturb my Princess
Avi: Yaa papa he is irritating me
SA (Shouts from kitchen): Beta jai don't irritate her go to your room and sleep
Jai (shouts):Okay going mom.
Jai: Bhootni ask yiur boyfriend to take you out from here soon. Bye gn and have salty dreams bhootni. Jijjuu gn
(Jai left)

(Sid trying to control his laugh but he couldn't. After few minutes of laugh)

Sid: Babygirl right now also I am ready to take you with me
(Avi Blushing)

Sid: Haye!! my blushing babygirl looking too hot
(Avi shocked. Walking towards gallery)

Avi: Sid where are you?
Sid: In your heart love. Don't worry I am not in your gallery.
Avi: How do you
(Cuts her point)

Sid: Love I know you very well (Trying to control his laugh)

Avi: Don't want to talk to you gn (Hangs up call)

(Avi was blushing hard core. Sid was laughing. Both drift to sleep)

(In morning. After 3-4days. At Avi's home. Jai came in Avi's room)

Jai: Baby are you free today?
Avi: Yes baby I am. Do you need anything?
Jai: Yeah. Actually me and my friends need your help in maths.
Avi: Call them after lunch. Reemi is also coming?
Jai: Yes. Two other friends also
Avi: Ask her to bring her brother also
Jai: Oh ho!! What's going on? Do you like him? Wait he was the one whom you were talking (Avi cuts him)

Avi (shouts): Shut up bhoot. For me he is like my brother. I asked you to call him because he sounds disturbed
Jai: Okay okay sorry bhootni

(Jai left her room and called his friends. Avi called sid)

Sid: Babygirl is missing me
Avi: No. I was getting bored
Sid: Oh! So you are not missing me. So sad
Avi: I mean yes ah no ahhh yes ah voh (Blushing)

Sid (Laughing): Okay my red tomato I got it
Avi: I am not talking with you.
Sid: You said this last time also but then too you are talking with me love
Avi's pov: Ahh! How can I resist myself? Why my anger vanish?

Sid: Yeah I know you can't resist yourself. Your anger is nothing in front of my love that's why it's vanish.
Avi: Aaaa... I... aa

Sid: Okay got it. Bye mumma is calling
Avi: Bye
(Skips to evening. All came Avi's home)

Jai: Guys she is my sister Avneet. Baby she is reem and his brother faisal (Teasingly)
He is raj and she is Ashnoor

(New character Raj and Ashnoor studying with jay and reem. They are dating)

Ash: Hi Avneet di
Avi: Hey Don't call me di you can use any nickname but don't use di. Got it noor?
Ash: Yeah! Neet
Reem: Guys let's study I know my muski is too good so you can spend sometime with her after studying (Eveing towards faisu)
Raj: Okay.

(Avi helped them. They all were having fun)

Avi: Guys do you got my points
All: Yeah.
Avi: Okay you all do your practice. Me and fais will be back
Jai: Okay okay enjoy
Avi: Baby shut up and focus on study

(Avi and faisu left)

Jai (whispers): Reemu I think something is there between your brother and my sister
Reem (Whisper): Yeah I also think so cause when they meet last time from that day bhai regularly use to ask me about muski

(Meanwhile at Faineet's place)
Avi: Your are like my big brother so if you want anything to share you can and I will help you

To be continue....

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