Chapter 95

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(Abhi was driving car at high speed but they stuck on road in between)

Abhi: Damn it!! Red Signal (hit his hand on steering wheel)

Sid : Dada break it please. Mujhe dar lag raha hain bahut (looked at her princess with teary eyes. Abhi broke the signal. Cops stopped him as they saw him breaking signal)

Cop: Can't you see signal is red and control on driving speed
Abhi: Sir it's emergency. I had to
Cop (cuts him): Every person who breaks rule give some excuses like this
Sid (angrily): Contact to cop zaar from xyz police station. He
Cop: He knows you doesn't mean you can break rules
Abhi (shout): You rascal listen. 2 days ago my daughter (pointed towards sim) was kidnapped so we complained. Our case was under Inspector zaar. Now kidnapper shot gun to her. So I am breaking the rulers. Your rulers aren't important for me then my Princess life. If I won't break rule and anything happen to her you will be responsible for all
Cop (looked at sim): Oh sorry sir. You can go. Sorry (Abhi drove off to hospital with full speed. They reached hospital after 35mins)

Sid: Where is dr? (Asked from receptionist)

Rec: Sir which dr? Did you took appointment?
Abhi (angrily): Yes. We took when a bustard shot gun to my princess. I stopped him and took appointment then asked him to continue (Shouts) Can't you see she is bleeding and need emergency treatment?
Rec: Sorry sir. Wait let me call someone for stretcher
Sid: Bhad me gaya stretcher tell me where is dr? I can carry her (A nurse guide him till room. Sid laid her on bed. Dr came)

Dr: Please wait outside (Both came out of room)

Abhi: We have to inform to choti also
Sid (shocked): No I can't  (Abhi's phone rang. He received it)

Jai: Abhi bhai in which hospital you are?
Abhi: KEM
Jai: Okay. I am coming. Did you inform to baby and others?
Abhi: No. We just reached and dr took sim in operation theater
Jai: Hmm. Don't worry I will inform her (Hangs up call)

(After sometime all came. Avi came and hugged sid)

Avi (crying): You said nah you will bring her
Sid (crying): Sorry love. I tried but suddenly he shot gun and (Dr came. Sidneet broke the hug)

Jai: Dr how's she?
Dr: Bahut blood lose hua hain. Blood available hain. That's not issue but she isn't responding. I think from last some days she didn't got her meal properly. So she is wean and isn't responding. But we are trying our best hope so she will respond. Please arrange these medicine soon (Jai took prescription and dr left)

Raj: Give it to me (Raj took paper and left)

Sam: Dad take me
(Sid took him and they moved towards door to look at sim through glass of door)

Sam (shout): Mom (All look towards avi. She faint)

(All ran towards avi. Abhi took sam in his arms. Sid shook avi. Sam was scared)

Sid (broken down): Kiddo wake up yaar aese meri jaan nikal jayegi wake up
Vaish: I am calling dr. (She left)

VA: Sid take her and make her sit on chairs properly (He took and make her sit. Dr and vaish came)

Dr: Take her in room. Let me examine her (Sid took her in room and came out. Sam ran towards sid)

Sam (crying violently, hugged him tightly): Dad mom and sissy will be fine nah?
Sid (trying to control his tears): Yup they will be. They have to for us. They have to
Sam: Dad I love you all (After listening this. Sim's words were repeated in Sid's mind)

Sid: I love you too junior (kissed on his forehead. Dr came out of Avi's room)

Dr: She is fine. It was just a panic attack (Sid took a deep breath of relief. Abhi, jai went and sat with avi. Sid was roaming from Avi's room to sim's room taking sam in his arms. After sometime avi got her consciousness)

Avi: How is sim now?
Abhi (handing her glass of juice): Drink it then we will go out to see sim
Avi (crying): No dada I want my baby to be fine
Abhi: Me too and I also want you to be fine. Drink this or we aren't going
Avi: Please
Jai (cuts her, angrily): For you your tauntrams are more important than your kid's life, right? (Without any word she drank juice)

Avi: Now please let's go
Jai: Hmm. Chal (They all went out)

Avi: Dr said anything? (Sid shook his head. She hugged sid and sam)

Sid: Juice pi?
Avi: Hmm
Sam (crying): Mom don't worry. Sim will be fine afterall we have to do many things for your and dad's marriage
Avi: Hmm (Dr came. They broke the hug)

Dr: Operation successful. She is safe now but week. Soon she will be conscious (All smiled a little)

Sid: Can we meet?
Dr: Sure. Bas use room shift kar de
Sid: Okay (Dr left. All hugged each other)

Vaish: Sid abhay jai tum ghar jaa kar fresh ho kar aao
Sid: No bhabhi I am here only.
VA: Sid apni shirt dekh. Fresh ho kar aao jaldi se
Abhi: Jai Un ka kya hua?
Vaish: Arey haan kidnapper kaun tha?
Sid: Mahindra uncle
VA: What? But how?
Jai: He escaped but this time after they left. Inspector shot 5 bullets to him and now he is no more (All nodded)

VA: Jao bacho and avi ko bhi leke jao beta tum jaa kar rest karo
Avi: No maa main yehi hoon. Sid tum jaldi se ho kar aao nah. Before she get conscious you come. Vo uthte hi dad bolegi
Sid: Okay. But ri ko bolta hoon yaha aaye. You all are ladies. Raj akele kaise karega (Sid calls ri asked him to come. After ri came sid, jai, abhi left)

To be continue...

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