Chapter 31

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(In canteen order is arrived)

Avi: Guys let's have some fun
Vaish: Jhalli what's cooking in your mind?

(Avi took raj's milk shake and added salt in it. Raj was not there so he was not aware)

Avi: Now no one is going to tell him truth before he drink

(Everyone nodded. Rajnoor came. Raj started taking sip)

Raj (shouted): Jerry I am not going to leave you

(Started chasing here and there after avi. Avi bumped with someone)

Girl: Are you blind?
Avi: Ritika I wasn't paying attention but you were then too you bumped
Ritika: So? What are you trying to say it was my fault?
Abhi: Choti leave don't fight. Sorry Ritika

(All left from there for faineet's dance practice)

Ritika's pov: I won't leave you avneet

(Faineet were practing. Ritika was crossing from there. She saw this and threw some glass balls which lead to avneet fell down her feet got injured and her leg got fractured. All ran towrds her)

Avi (Scream and crying): It's paining
Faisu: I am taking her to hospital. Jai come with me

(Jai took avi in his arms and ran towards the parking)

Raj: I think we should drop this performance plan
Vaish: Yes we should jhalli's feet were bleeding she can't
Raj: Okay I am going to inform about this to annual team

(Raj left)

Reem: Abhi bhai inform sid not to come. We aren't going to take part in any of the activity
Abhi: I am informing him but we can't drop like this
Vaish: But first we have to figure out who did this

(Abhi went to inform sid. Few minutes later. Reem's phone rang. Display name Jai. Call conversation)

Jai: Reemu baby got plastered on leg and she isn't in condition to perform
Reem: Jai we know that raj already informed to annual team
Jai: We are going home. You all complete your activities then meet me at my home

(Hangs up the call. After college. At Avi's home)

Abhi: How's choti aunty?
SA: Beta she is sleeping now
Jai: Abhi we have to figure out who did this
Vaish: I think Ritika
Abhi: We will take revenge if it's true
Jai: For 1 week plaster is there and she needs rest also so tomorrow I will give you her leave letter
Vaish: Give it to me I will submit it

(Abhi's phone rang)

Sid: Dada where are you?
Abhi: I am at jai's home. Coming

(Hangs up call)

(Whole gang use to come to meet avi after college and share study notes so that she can prepare for final exams. After 6days. It was Saturday. No college today. In morning after breakfast. At Sid's home)

Abhi: Chote would you like to join us?
Sid: Us? And where?
Abhi: Actually as you choti isn't well so me and my friends are going to meet her
Sid: What would I do with your friends? I will be bored
Abhi: Chote choti is jai's sister. So we are going at jai's home. And you know my friends except 2 so it won't be bored for you
Sid: Okay I am coming. I want to meet chimpanzee. let me get ready

(After a few minutes they both left after informing VA. Meanwhile at Avi's home. Door rang. SA opens the door and found Vaish)

SA: Beta come inside. Muskan is having breakfast

(They both led towards dinning table)

Avi: Doll you are here?
Vaish: Yeah!! I am free today so though to meet you
AU: Princess let's go
Vaish: Where are you going?
Avi: For check up. Will you join me?
Vaish: Yeah why not

(All three left. Few minutes later door bang rang. Whole gang was there including Siddharth)

Jai: Hi everyone! Hey bhoot you are here?
SA: This is not a way to greet our guest jai
Sid: No aunty it's okay. We both like this. Btw I am Siddharth.

(Took blessings from her)

SA (while patting his back): Okay if you boys are happy then no issue
Abhi: Guys Where is vaish?
Reem: Oh shit!! I forgot to inform her
Faisu: Gudiya kya karti hain. Let me call her
SA: Beta she is with muskan
Sid's pov: Her name is muskan. So she isn't my love
Abhi: Already here. Btw the where is choti?

(Abhi opened fridge)

Sid: Dada we are not at our place
SA: Beta Siddharth this is his home. So don't worry after all he is also my son

(proudly patting abhi's back. Siddharth smiled. Reem was helping SA)

(A/N: Yes typical Indian daughter in law 😜)

Reem: Aunty where is muski?
SA: She is at hospital for check up and Vaishnavi is also with her
Raj: We should ask from jai before coming
Jai: Why?
Raj: See jerry isn't here. So what we will do here?
Sid: Yeah ofcourse after all chimpanzee isn't here with us

(All laughs. Raj took a cushion and throws on sid)

Jai: Raj I will team up with Bhoot. Let's start pillow fight

To be continue....

Sid is at avi's home. Do you think they will meet??

How was avi's and Sid's expression

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