Chapter 32

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Faisu: No guys don't start. Aunty please call uncle and ask him when they will be back

(SA called him and after call)

SA: Beta she will be returned by evening. Her plastered is removing tomorrow so she needs complete rest.
Ash: Okay. We will meet her in college then let's go
SA: Sit for sometime and have fun with jai
Abhi: Aunty actually you know exams are coming so next time
Sid: Jai are you joining us? As your sister isn't at home so may be you will get bored
Jai: Yeah sure.

(All left for homes and jai left for nigam mansion. They spend a very good time. Abhi was happy seeing his brother smiling. Smile isn't full heart out but it is which is not fake. It was monday after first exam. At college gate)

Avi: Dada I need your help in law. Doll would you need help?
Vaish: No jhalli I just need revision and on Saturday I am going to dehradun and my granny's home so today I am going for shopping
Abhi: On Saturday chote's birthday is there so everyone is coming at party and that's final. Partner don't worry. I know you can't
Faisu: Today I have to be with Shilpa mam for presentation

(Jai's phone rang. Caller id mumma. After call conversation)

Jai: Baby I am going at my friend's home with reem and rajnoor and mumma papa are at chachi's home. In evening they will be back
Avi: Baby do you have keys?
Jai: No. And you?
Avi: No. So now where would I go? I think I should be in library till evening or book a hotel room
Abhi: Both are unsafe for you so you are coming with me. Everyone is busy but I am not and also you need my help in law so you are coming with me
Avi: No dada. I don't want to trouble you.
Abhi: Choti your safety is my priority and it's not a trouble for me
Jai: Baby Abhi is correct. If you are staying at hotel or library I will also be unable to focus on study

(Avi nodded and all left)

(At abhi's home. Abhi rang the door and opened by VA)

Abhi: Maa meet my friend avneet. She needs my help in law

(Avi took blessing and VA hugged her)

VA: Bacho come inside
Avi's pov: Why I am feeling so weird today? What's all these feelings are?
Abhi: Maa where is chote?
VA: He is at college then will directly go for khana's meeting. Bacho go and get fresh then have lunch. Then you can study
Abhi: Okay maa. Come I will show you guest room

(Avi nodded. While going her fractured ankle get twisted)

Avi: Ahh!!! It's

(Abhi cuts her point)

Abhi: So careless you are. You should be careful day before yesterday only your plaster was removed

(Took in bridal style. Drop  her in guest room and after appyling ointment left for his room. Fews minutes later. Both came down. Avi was in abhi's arm)

VA's pov: First time abhi is concerned for a girl. I think they both are in love

Abhi (Shouts from living room): Maa we are hungry

(Dropping avi on sofa. They had lunch together in living room. VA was busy in admiring her to be daughter in law. That is she thinking for Abhi. After lunch. VA left for rest)

Abhi: Do you want to take rest?

(Avi nodded in no. Abhi sensed something is wrong with avi)

Abhi: What happened choti? Why are feeling low?
Avi: Don't know dada having a weird feeling
Abhi: Let's focus on study. Brush these thoughts

(After 2 and half hour of study)

Abhi: Do you wanna to grab a coffee?

(Avi nodded and abhi took in bridal style and drop her on kitchen slab. VA was admiring them from a distance)

(After making coffee they both sat on kitchen slab while drinking coffee and having fun. After a lot of laughing)

Avi: Bas dada it's enough. Stomach paining

(Va was shocked)

Abhi: Okay okay
VA (came towards them): What? Dada?
Abhi: Yes maa. Any issues?
VA: No no. It's okay you got your sister
VA's pov: You should ask him first before thinking that they are dating

(Avi noticed this but didn't said anything. Meanwhile somewhere on road. SA and AU's car wasn't working. Sid was passing from there. Saw them)

Sid: Uncle, Aunty

(Took blessing from them)

Sid: I think your car isn't working Come I will drop you
AU: No beta we will book cab
Sid: You said me son and then there is no formality I think so

(They both agreed and sat in his car)

SA: I should call muskan that we are coming

(SA calls avi. Call conversation)

SA: Muskan we are coming home
Avi: Mumma I don't have keys so I am at dada's house
SA: Okay beta come soon

(Hangs up call. Sid left after bid bye)

To be continue.....

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